• visiting craters of the moon

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    The mystery of Siberia’s exploding craters. Also called a shooting star or falling star. On 11 April 2019 Beresheet crashed on the surface of the Moon, as a result of a main engine failure in the final descent. “It is an area where there is a very thick layer of ice, called tabular ice, which forms a cap across the permafrost. Found inside – Page 267... and the name was changed, though whether the present town was named for a visiting Count Arco or for Arco Smith, ... The caretaker of the Craters of the Moon National Monument is stationed here and will provide guides if desired. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. study of the natural features and processes of the Earth. Found inside – Page 187The Fort Bowie NHS and Coronado NMem visitor centers would be consistently staffed with NPS employees seven day a week ... Craters of the Moon National Monument & Preserve , Idaho $ 326,000 and 2.4 FTE to Maintain Support for New ... A total of twelve men have landed on the Moon. Three have made the trip twice, and twelve have walked on its surface. [73] On 26 March 2019, Vice President Mike Pence formally announced that the mission will include the first female lunar astronaut. Ultimately, however, the Soviet Politburo decided the risk of crew death was unacceptable given the combined poor performance to that point of Zond/Proton and so scrubbed the launch of a crewed Soviet lunar mission. Natali's team went on to discover a third new crater, in results released in February 2021. path of one object around a more massive object. Trapped inside the Arctic permafrost are huge amounts of carbon – about twice as much as the amount currently in the atmosphere. Earth Science, Astronomy, Geography, Physical Geography, A crater is a bowl-shaped depression, or hollowed-out area, produced by the impact of a meteorite, volcanic activity, or an explosion. One study of tree rings in willow shrubs found among the debris thrown out by the explosion that created the first crater discovered in 2014 suggests the plants had been experiencing stress since the 1940s. .mw-parser-output .legend{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output .legend-color{display:inline-block;min-width:1.25em;height:1.25em;line-height:1.25;margin:1px 0;text-align:center;border:1px solid black;background-color:transparent;color:black}.mw-parser-output .legend-text{}  Luna programme (USSR) [10] Crash landings[11] may occur because of malfunctions in a spacecraft, or they can be deliberately arranged for vehicles which do not have an onboard landing rocket. [citation needed] Also, the steady beeping of the radio beacon aboard Sputnik 1 as it passed overhead every 96 minutes was widely viewed on both sides[citation needed] as effective propaganda to Third World countries demonstrating the technological superiority of the Soviet political system compared to that of the U.S. Cosmonauts went on alert and asked to fly the Zond spacecraft then in final countdown at Baikonur on the first human trip to the Moon. eighth planet from the sun in our solar system. Gas and oil infrastructure dot the landscape in north-west Siberia – the Bovanenkovo gas field was just 26 miles from one of the craters (Credit: Alexander Nemenov/Getty Images), “We hope to get to a point where we can see these before they form,” says Natali. The first three attempts by the U.S. to perform a successful hard Moon landing with a ruggedized seismometer package in 1962 all failed. Rockets must be used to leave the Moon and return to space. But Chauvilin says the exact source is still largely unclear. – Oh, my goodness!” “With your own eyes, I’m telling you! "Japan, India to team up in race to discover water on moon", "Current status of a Japanese lunar polar exploration mission", "Запуск станции «Луна-25» запланирован на май 2022 года", "Text of Remarks at Signing of Trump Space Policy Directive 1 and List of Attendees", "Pence Tells NASA to Put Americans on the Moon in 5 Years", "Photos: 8 Moon-Landing Hoax Myths – Busted". [37], Launched 27 September 2003, 23:14 UTC from the Guiana Space Centre in Kourou, French Guiana. Travel the Loop Road or explore off the beaten path. However, due to NASA's continuing problems with the lunar module, and because of CIA reports of a potential Soviet crewed circumlunar flight in late 1968, NASA fatefully changed the flight plan of Apollo 8 from an Earth-orbit lunar module test to a lunar orbit mission scheduled for late December 1968. Each of these modules has scientific instruments from scientific research institutes in India and the US. One of the best-known craters on Earth is Meteor Crater, near Winslow, Arizona. The layers of earth and rock exposed further inside the cylindrical hole are almost black and a pool of water is already forming at the bottom by the time scientists reach it. molten, or partially melted, rock beneath the Earth's surface. These capabilities were later demonstrated by the U.S. in ten Gemini low Earth orbit missions throughout 1965 and 1966, using a totally new second-generation spacecraft design that had little in common with the earlier Mercury. Found inside – Page 27Craters Not to be confused with volcanic craters , such as those found on Earth , lunar craters are impact craters , formed by hits from cosmic debris . ( You can see an impact crater here on Earth by visiting Meteor Crater in Arizona . ) ... having to do with Earth's moon or the moons of other planets. The LCROSS data collecting shepherding spacecraft was launched together with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) on 18 June 2009 on board an Atlas V rocket with a Centaur upper stage. The United States' Apollo 11 was the first crewed mission to land on the Moon, on 20 July 1969. The Moon departure rocket, larger moon landing rocket and any Earth atmosphere entry equipment such as heat shields and parachutes must in turn be lifted by the original launch vehicle, greatly increasing its size by a significant and almost prohibitive degree. Found inside – Page 56Begin a loop tour in Idaho in Boise by visiting the Idaho State Historical Museum, Old Idaho Penitentiary, ... where you can visit Craters of the Moon National Monument before continuing through Shoshone and Gooding and back to Boise. [75], Many conspiracists hold that the Apollo Moon landings were a hoax;[76] however, empirical evidence is readily available to show that human Moon landings did occur. person who studies the physical formations of the Earth. JPL envisioned three versions of the Ranger lunar probes: Block I prototypes, which would carry various radiation detectors in test flights to a very high Earth orbit that came nowhere near the Moon; Block II, which would try to accomplish the first Moon landing by hard landing a seismometer package; and Block III, which would crash onto the lunar surface without any braking rockets while taking very high resolution wide-area photographs of the Moon during their descent. However, most of these meteors are the size of a speck of dust and do not cause any cratering. [65], After the failure of the Vikram lander of Chandrayaan-2, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) plans to re-attempt a soft landing with a third lunar exploration mission, Chandrayaan-3. As the gas is released in the explosion, a crater forms in the empty space.A specific type of subsidence crater is formed by an underground nuclear explosion. Of particular importance was developing the expertise to perform flight operations in lunar orbit. Most life on Earth is microbial. For Earth's Moon, the escape velocity is 2.38 kilometres per second (1.48 mi/s). While Ranger 6 suffered a failure of this camera system and returned no photographs despite an otherwise successful flight, the subsequent Ranger 7 mission to Mare Cognitum was a complete success. Cernan was the last man to step off the lunar surface. The force is so great that blocks of earth up to 3ft (1m) across are thrown outwards, leaving a crater with a raised parapet, a wide mouth and a narrower cylindrical hole – thought to be the unfrozen pocket – is left behind. Found inside – Page 84You can visit that same crater; not years from now on a rocket flight to the moon, but this summer in your car. Those astronauts weren't standing on the moon, but at the edge of Meteor Crater in Arizona, one of many "moonscapes" in the ... Due to the effects of gravity, a vehicle returning from the Moon hits Earth's atmosphere at a much higher speed of around 11,000 m/s (40,000 km/h). This transition from hole to lake seems to be a rather innocuous end to a dramatic event. Apollo 8 was a lunar-orbit-only mission, Apollo 10 included undocking and Descent Orbit Insertion (DOI), followed by LM staging to CSM redocking, while Apollo 13, originally scheduled as a landing, ended up as a lunar fly-by, by means of free return trajectory; thus, none of these missions made landings. Heat sterilization was also blamed for subsequent in-flight failures of the spacecraft computer on Ranger 4 and the power subsystem on Ranger 5. explosive device that draws energy from the interaction of atomic nuclei. [21][22] Spacecraft experiments included a Lyman-alpha telescope, a rubidium-vapor magnetometer, electrostatic analyzers, medium-energy-range particle detectors, two triple coincidence telescopes, a cosmic-ray integrating ionization chamber, cosmic dust detectors, and scintillation counters. conical structure produced in rock by intense mechanical shock, usually associated with a meteor impact. This in itself is transforming the Arctic landscape, leading to subsidence and landslides known as thaw slumps. The so-called “gas giants” of the solar system—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—don’t have craters. Gskyer Telescope is the best telescope with 70mm aperture and focal length to provide the best sky exploring the experience with clarity. “We don’t yet know if these are something that could be a risk to people in the Arctic,” says Natali. Most meteoroids are made of silicon and oxygen (minerals called silicates) and heavier metals like nickel and iron. He asked Vice President Lyndon Johnson to make recommendations on a scientific endeavor that would prove US world leadership. Found inside – Page 102Lower down, and on every night of the year, the Visitor Information Station (VIS) at 9200 feet presents a free ... The wonderfully helpful staff of the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve, 18 miles southwest of Arco, ... This option was implemented after an explosion aboard the Apollo 13 mission in 1970, which is the only crewed circumlunar loop mission flown to date.[when?]. depression formed as the result of an underground explosion. The Luna 9 spacecraft, launched by the Soviet Union, performed the first successful soft Moon landing on 3 February 1966. Most were formed when meteors, bodies of solid matter from space, slammed into the lunar surface millions of years ago. The debris often lands in a circular pattern around the site of the explosion, creating a crater.Explosions can be natural or artificial. to know the outcome of a situation in advance. No cameras were carried by the Ranger landers, and no pictures were to be captured from the lunar surface during the mission. Found inside – Page 117the bulk of interregional recreation visitation takes place , temperatures on the treeless Snake River Plain , especially ... Each of these areas can provide visitor accommodations for those people coming to the Craters of the Moon ... However, a small vial of ashes from the body of pioneer lunar scientist Eugene Shoemaker was delivered by the Lunar Prospector to the crater named in his honor – currently[when?] Found insideBottomless Craters There are craters on the Moon whose bottoms have not been located. ... the Moon when the Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt were visiting the Taurus-Littrow valley, traveling in the Lunar Rover. Anyone on Earth with an appropriate laser and telescope system can bounce laser beams off three retroreflector arrays left on the Moon by Apollo 11,[77] 14 and 15, verifying deployment of the Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment at historically documented Apollo Moon landing sites and so proving equipment constructed on Earth was successfully transported to the surface of the Moon. The Phobos monolith is a large rock on the surface of Mars's moon Phobos. [15] Seconds before impact, at 5 and 0.6 kilometres (3.11 and 0.37 mi) above the lunar surface, the Ranger mother ships took pictures (which may be viewed here). Craters and debris, called ejecta, from millions of years ago are still crystal-clear on the moon’s surface. When they first appear, the craters are a spectacular sight as the explosion hurls out earth and ice to leave a deep cylindrical void (Credit: Vasily Bogoyavlensky/Getty Images). Weather at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve. If the attempt failed in Earth orbit before departing for the Moon, it was frequently (but not always) given a "Sputnik" or "Cosmos" Earth-orbit mission number to hide its purpose. National Geographic News: ‘Fresh’ Crater Found in Egypt, U.S. Department of Energy: Nuclear Bomb Test Subsidence Crater Formation, Smithsonian Institution: Global Volcanism Program—Craters, NASA: Finding Impact Craters with Landsat, USGS: Volcano Hazards Program—Volcanic Landslides Often Produce Horseshoe-Shaped Craters. Villagers in nearby Seyakha – a settlement about 20.5 miles (33km) south of the crater – claimed the gas kept burning for about 90 minutes and the flames reached 13-16ft (4-5m) high. The first samples to be brought back from the Moon in half a century — and the first ever by a Chinese mission — carry evidence of the most recent lunar lava ever analysed. remains of something broken or destroyed; waste, or garbage. The last three missions included a drivable lunar rover, the Lunar Roving Vehicle, for increased mobility. Read about our approach to external linking. The goal was to place these Block I spacecraft in a very high Earth orbit with an apogee of 110,000 kilometres (68,000 mi) and a perigee of 60,000 kilometres (37,000 mi).[21]. Learn about our 60 year history with NASA and how the Apollo 11 astronauts trained at Meteor Crater to prepare for the 1969 mission to the moon. Also known in Russia by the local Yakut name “bulgunnyakhs”, they tend to rise and fall with the seasons. [43], The GRAIL mission consisted of two small spacecraft: GRAIL A (Ebb), and GRAIL B (Flow). Zond 5 was the first spacecraft to carry life from Earth to the vicinity of the Moon and return, initiating the final lap of the Space Race with its payload of tortoises, insects, plants, and bacteria. From the air, the freshly exposed dirt stands out against the green tundra and dark lakes around it. This mission was later successfully repeated by Luna 20 (1972) and Luna 24 (1976). It brings the total number of confirmed craters to have been discovered on Yamal and the neighbouring Gydan Peninsula to 17. process of complete disappearance of a species from Earth. In contrast, crewed vehicles need additional fuel after a lunar landing to enable a return trip back to Earth for the crew. Camera resolution was 1,132 scan lines, far higher than the 525 lines found in a typical U.S. 1964 home television. Yellowstone National Park, America's first National Park, offers truly unique experiences like spectacular hiking trails, beautiful views, Old Faithful, and geysers shooting water 100 feet into the air. 66ft (20m) wide and up to 171ft (52m) deep, blast makes a giant hole in the place of a pingo, How undersea rivers flow on the ocean floor, The men who mind the “devil’s gold”, high levels of carbon dioxide dissolved in the water in these unfrozen pockets, breaking down organic material and releasing the gases, particularly low in the lakes at the bottom of recently formed craters, strange frozen material known as a gas hydrate, pushing the solid tabular ice cap upwards, blocks of earth up to 3ft (1m) across are thrown outwards, about 90 minutes and the flames reached 13-16ft (4-5m) high, indistinguishable from the thousands of other small round lakes, twice as much as the amount currently in the atmosphere. I’m telling you.” Paired with the caption, “Me when I miscalculate a micro dose and start fully tripping midday,” the clip has been viewed close to a million times. [54], On 3 January 2019 at 2:26 UTC Chang'e 4 became the first spacecraft to land on the far side of the Moon. Planets, moons, comets, and other celestial bodies have fairly stable orbits that do not interact with each other. The Azores are considered to be the European Hawaii and for sure the volcanic activity is a big reason behind it. [32] The tapes were found in 2008 and sold at auction in 2019 for the 50th anniversary of the landing. Johnson had championed the US human spaceflight program ever since Sputnik, sponsoring legislation to create NASA while he was still a senator. largest planet in the solar system, the fifth planet from the Sun. 1145 17th Street NW When drilling machinery punctures the pocket of natural gas, the overlying rock layers may not be able to contain it. For the first crewed Moon landing, see, "Race to the Moon" redirects here. The final Pioneer lunar probe design consisted of four "paddlewheel" solar panels extending from a one-meter diameter spherical spin-stabilized spacecraft body equipped to take images of the lunar surface with a television-like system, estimate the Moon's mass and topography of the poles, record the distribution and velocity of micrometeorites, study radiation, measure magnetic fields, detect low frequency electromagnetic waves in space and use a sophisticated integrated propulsion system for maneuvering and orbit insertion as well. Most nuclear testing is conducted in underground facilities. Siberia boasts perhaps the largest thaw slump on the planet – the Batagaika megaslump, which has grown from being just a gully in the 1960s to being nearly 3,000ft (900m) wide. Contact was lost on 2.1 km (1.3 mi) above the lunar surface after the rough braking phase, and was not regained. volcano that has had a recorded eruption since the last glacial period, about 10,000 years ago. The U.S. robotic Surveyor program was part of an effort to locate a safe site on the Moon for a human landing and test under lunar conditions the radar and landing systems required to make a true controlled touchdown. Launch explosions were not acknowledged at all. But exactly what is causing these enormous holes in the permafrost to appear and how suddenly they form is still largely a riddle. Found inside – Page 52Moon-buggy. routes. Find different routes to visit each crater once without travelling along the same path twice. ... Give each child a copy of Copymaster 15 and explain that it is an imaginary map of part of the Moon's surface. irregularly shaped planetary body, ranging from 6 meters (20 feet) to 933 kilometers (580 miles) in diameter, orbiting the sun between Mars and Jupiter. ELEs have happened more than a dozen times in Earths history.Extinction-level events actually have little effect on Earths biodiversity. Apart from the inherent dangers of crewed Moon expeditions as seen with Apollo 13, one reason for their cessation according to astronaut Alan Bean is the cost it imposes in government subsidies. an opening in the Earth's crust, through which lava, ash, and gases erupt, and also the cone built by eruptions. Plan your visit with NPF's resources. impact crater near Winslow, Arizona, formed about 50,000 years ago. underground reservoir that holds molten rock. [46] The two spacecraft impacted the Lunar surface on 17 December 2012. A crater is a bowl-shaped depression produced by the impact of a meteorite, volcanic activity, or an explosion. Craters of the Moon has four distinct seasons, each providing visitors with exciting ways to explore the park. [69][70] JAXA is likely to provide launch service using the future H3 rocket, along with responsibility for the rover. The Soviets succeeded in making the first crash landing on the Moon in 1959. Join our community of educators and receive the latest information on National Geographic's resources for you and your students. From that vantage point, scientists could make direct measurements of the magnetosphere over a period of many months while engineers perfected new methods to routinely track and communicate with spacecraft over such large distances. Also called a meteor. Following the unsuccessful Atlas-Able Pioneer probes, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory embarked upon an uncrewed spacecraft development program whose modular design could be used to support both lunar and interplanetary exploration missions. What we call today Craters of the Moon are volcanoes that formed during the last eight active periods, between 15,000 and 2000 years ago. Khrushchev, sensing an attempt by Kennedy to steal Russian space technology, rejected the idea at first: if the USSR went to the Moon, it would go alone. our planet, the third from the Sun. While there are many star systems, including at least 200 billion other stars in our galaxy, there is only one solar system. Unlike craters on the moon, where debris, called ejecta, from the impact is spread out in neat lines, rampart craters show ejecta curving out in smooth, flowing lineslike a mudflow. The Earth is the only place in the known universe that supports life. depression formed by volcanic activity on the sides of a volcano. It is mostly in the form of the frozen remains of plants and other organic material, along with methane that has become trapped inside ice crystals – the gas hydrates that Chuvilin mentions earlier. all forms in which water falls to Earth from the atmosphere. “Pingos take decades to form and last a long time,” says Sue Natali, an Arctic ecologist who studies permafrost and director of the Arctic programme at the Woodwell Climate Research Center in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. A two-flight extension of the Vostok program known as Voskhod effectively used Vostok capsules with their ejection seats removed to achieve Soviet space firsts of multiple person crews in 1964 and spacewalks in early 1965. Some news outlets have mistakenly reported the SSTV tapes found in Western Australia, but those tapes were only recordings of data from the Apollo 11 Early Apollo Surface Experiments Package. “Much depends on the environment and landscape.” At least one crater has been found in a riverbed, he points out. the frozen ice cap over the tundra is becoming more permeable. Found inside – Page 80Number of visitors to Craters of the Moon National Monument , Yellowstone National Park , and Glacier Naţional Park ... The visits to Glacier Park have multiplied 31 times since 1946 and the number of visits to Craters of the Moon in ... The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. [9] The change in velocity (referred to as a delta-v) is usually provided by a landing rocket, which must be carried into space by the original launch vehicle as part of the overall spacecraft. Various mission constraints limited the landing site to Oceanus Procellarum on the lunar equator, which the lander ideally would reach 66 hours after launch. Found inside – Page 1561Enhanced resource protection and visitor services are needed to preserve resources , educate visitors ... Component : Invasive Species Control / Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Craters of the Moon National Monument , Idaho ... Found inside – Page 84The view from the high bluffs of the Great Rift Valley was breathtaking , and the title of the book " Craters on the Moon " came to mind . The visiting researcher returned alone , with a NACECE driver , to begin data collection in ... a prominent feature that guides in navigation or marks a site. Found insideEach crater of the Snowman was nothing less than a ready-made excavation into lunar history. By visiting different craters, the geologists hoped the moonwalkers would find out whether the lava flows that ... Fifteen consecutive U.S. uncrewed lunar missions over a six-year period from 1958 to 1964 all failed their primary photographic missions;[13][14] however, Rangers 4 and 6 successfully repeated the Soviet lunar impacts as part of their secondary missions. Peters Township Native Part Of NASA’s Lucy Mission, Visiting 8 Asteroids Lucy is up first, and yes, there will be diamonds in the sky with the robotic trailblazer. Eventually Natali and her team hope to gather enough data to be able to automate the crater search process. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. When they finally burst, they certainly appear to be spectacular. Craters that form on the sides of volcanoes are called flank craters. Luna 16 was the first robotic probe to land on the Moon and safely return a sample of lunar soil back to Earth. Mount Fuji, Japan’s highest mountain, is one of the most popular places in the country to hike. Rampart craters are a type of impact crater found only on Mars. Found inside – Page 34Free permits are required for overnight camping and are available at the visitor center. ... Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho: Eighteen miles southwest of Arco, Idaho is an eerie region that superstitious ... Yet another way to see nature in its purest form. When the lake vanished, it left behind an unfrozen patch of soil beneath it known as a talik, where gas then built up. Found inside – Page 343The busy commercial town of Idaho Falls ( population 44,000 ) in the southeast of the state is a good jumping off place for visiting the Craters of the Moon National Monument . The volcanically active lunar landscapes of black lava have ... Follow her on Twitter at @meghanbartels. “The key issue in crater research is identifying the source of gas that builds up under the permafrost surface,” says Chuvilin. For the Cold War topic, see, Early Soviet uncrewed lunar missions (1958–1965), Early U.S. uncrewed lunar missions (1958–1965), Soviet uncrewed soft landings (1966–1976), Transition from direct ascent landings to lunar orbit operations, Soviet lunar orbit satellites (1966–1974), Soviet circumlunar loop flights (1967–1970), Other aspects of the successful Apollo landings, Late 20th century–Early 21st century uncrewed crash landings, 21st century uncrewed soft landings and attempts, Landings on moons of other Solar System bodies, List of people who have walked on the Moon, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay, Apollo program § Political pressure builds, "Apollo Anniversary: Moon Landing "Inspired World, "Chinese spacecraft makes first landing on moon's far side", "Moon Landing by Israel's Beresheet Spacecraft Ends in Crash", "India Loses Contact with Chandrayaan-2 Lunar Lander during Moon Mission", "NASA – NSSDC – Spacecraft – Ranger 3 Details", "NASA – NSSDC – Spacecraft – Lun 2 Details", "Homepage of V.V Pustynski for students of YFT0060", "NASA – NSSDC – Spacecraft – Ranger 4 Details", "NASA – NSSDC – Spacecraft – Ranger 6 Details", "NASA – NSSDC – Spacecraft – Ranger 5 Details", "NASA – NSSDC – Spacecraft – Ranger 7 Details", "NASA – NSSDC – Spacecraft – Ranger 8 Details", "NASA – NSSDC – Spacecraft – Ranger 9 Details", "NASA – NSSDC – Spacecraft – Ranger 1 Details", "NASA – NSSDC – Spacecraft – Ranger 2 Details", "First Moon landing was nearly a US–Soviet mission", "3 original NASA moon landing videos sell for $1.82 million at auction", "The American Flags On The Moon Have All Turned White", "Apollo Moon Landing Flags Still Standing, Photos Reveal", "Chandrayaan-I Impact Probe lands on the Moon", "NASA's LCROSS Mission Changes Impact Crater", "Moon-bound twin GRAIL spacecraft launch success", "First of NASA's GRAIL Spacecraft Enters Moon Orbit", GRAIL Twins crash into the Moon to complete highly successful Mission, "Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE)", "With Planned Crash, NASA Lunar Mission Comes to End", "NASA's Moon-Orbiting Robot Crashes Down as Planned", "NASA's LRO Spacecraft Captures Images of LADEE's Impact Crater", "NASA Completes LADEE Mission with Planned Impact on Moon's Surface", "China lands Jade Rabbit robot rover on Moon", "China carries out first soft landing on moon in 37 years", "Chang'e 4: China probe lands on far side of the moon", "First privately funded moon lander crash-lands", "India announces new date for space launch", "India moon mission set to launch a week after it was aborted", "ISRO likely to postpone Chandrayaan-2 launch as scientists scramble to meet revised deadline", "ISRO lose contact with Chandrayaan-2 lander during final descent", "Chinese spacecraft sets off on Moon sample quest", "China's Chang'e 5 aces lunar orbit docking needed to bring moon samples home", "Future spacecraft landing on Jupiter's moon Europa may have to navigate jagged blades of ice", "Delayed due to Covid-19, Isro to launch Chandrayaan-3 in third quarter of 2022", "India's next Moon shot will be bigger, in pact with Japan", "Episode 82: Jaxa and International Collaboration with Professor Fujimoto Masaki". Besides guidance and weight management, atmospheric re-entry without ablative overheating was a major hurdle.

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