• autism and memory strengths

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    These challenges can often lead to frustration, which lead to what psychologists call “behaviors”. | • Includes information from a variety of sources such as parent(s), general and special education teachers of the child. These articles show that people with ASD have remarkable strengths in the areas of memory, accuracy, concentration, and problem solving. Autism Spectrum Disorder develops in one out of two-thousand children and is a lifelong condition. Psychological Science, 18(8), 657-662. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2007.01954.x, Diener, M. L., Anderson, L., Wright, C. A., & Dunn, M. L. (2015). One possible explanation for this excess growth is that the genes controlling neuron development are overactive, resulting in greater brain volume. In the classroom, this means they should be able to remember information that is presented visually. Working memory profiles of children with developmental disorders. It did not, however, win a lot of fans in the autism support community. This paper is relevant to my study of the strengths of autism because I want to learn how to embrace these strengths. By the standard of the Wechsler Scale, one third of these children would have been judged to be low-functioning. fMRI investigation of working memory for faces in autism: visual coding and underconnectivity with frontal areas. These same children also performed well on the IPL test (Tovar et al., 2015). Posted April 2, 2020 Data was collected by using one open-ended question, and seven self-report questionnaires (Greeff et al., 2013). The measures used for this study were; the Developmental Behavior Checklist (DBC), the Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD), Community Inclusion, Index of Social Competence, and the Degree of Intellectual Disability (ID) (Gray et al., 2012). The Lee and Carter paper is relevant to this study of strengths of autism because for those who want to learn about resources that may be available to people with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD) who want careers (Lee & Carter, 2012). Tovar, A. T., Fein, D., & Naigles, L. R. (2015). Yes, they have unique strengths that can give them an advantage in certain areas. Strengths and challenges of children with a Developmental Disabilities, 20(3), 80-87. Socioeconomic status varied. The TD person would be thought of as a savant because they could drive a car (Miller, 1999). Programming. 3. Children with autism usually have a special interest. Mothers were asked questions regarding the relationship between the siblings. Being dependable in regards to schedules and routines. Some of them will say “my child has problems” because they cannot control their thoughts and emotions, they cannot deal with the public, or they cannot understand they must stop when they see a red light. . Memory music organization art spatial navigation calendar counting and many other specializations Miller 1999. As the state has implemented a law that allows people with disabilities to work in integrated employment, it is necessary that vocational rehabilitation be applied in these small counties. For further reading about adults with ASD, see Howlin and Moss, 2012 (Gray et al., 2012). In recent years, scientists have developed the Raven’s Progressive Matrices IQ test, which is geared toward problem solving and reasoning (Dawson, Soulieres, Gernsbacher, & Mottron, 2007), which people with ASD score well on. " Each page of this playful alphabet book presents one of the many talents and abilities of children on the autism spectrum. They struggle in particular with abstract information, like nonsense words or new vocabulary. Seven of the boys were joined by their sisters who ranged in age of 7 to 14. Therefore, they are considered to have visual strength. Learning to read at a very early age (known as hyperlexia). Predisposing factors associated with talent was older in age and higher intelligence, rather than sex. The Dawson and colleagues paper is relevant to my study of the strengths of autism because it addressed the notion that people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) lack cognitive abilities because they are not verbal, which is the claim when a Wechsler Intelligence Scale is performed (Dawson et al., 2007).
    Strengths-Based Approach - Joan is allowed to partner with an autistic classmate who she relates easily to. Furthermore, when a child with ASD is presented with two tasks and has to focus on one while ignoring the other distracting task, their brain activity reveals that they do not actually shift their attention to the more important information (Luna et al., 2002). Research was conducted by asking the sisters a set of questions regarding their experience with their brothers. The books feature a dyslexic-friendly font to encourage accessibility and inclusivity for all readers. To find out more about the memory superpowers of a child with autism, check out my new children's book here. Luna, B., Minshew, N.J., Garver, K.E., Lazar, N.A., Thulborn, K.R., Eddy, W.F., & Sweeney, J. Thinking in a visual way. To these seven narratives of neurological disorder Dr. Sacks brings the same humanity, poetic observation, and infectious sense of wonder that are apparent in his bestsellers Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. This world would be very frustrating for TD people if the majority of people were ASD and the world was set up in a different way that better accommodated them, rather than TD people, as it is today. In my own research, I found that the type of material they have to remember provides us with a clue to their working memory profile. My contact with individuals, parents, and providers who are varied in their thoughts about autism has taught me the challenges people with ASD face. Employers who are aware of these certain personalities can support an employee with HFASD by accepting their strengths and providing coaching regarding socialization (Lee et al., 2012). Understand and support executive function in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with this fully-explained, innovative model. Prior studies reported that long-term memory (LTM) was basically unimpaired in individuals with autism. Dr. Hans Asperger (1906-1980) said: "It seems that for success in science or art, a dash of autism is essential." Asperger's Syndrome, Memory, and Eyesight. Children with ASD may choose not to talk about different time frames in their conversation because those time frames may not be relevant to them. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 23, 153-170. Since "Rain Man," the overwhelming public . Showing how to use an individual's strengths to address executive functioning weaknesses, this approach will also help to build a . An intriguing area of autism music research is the distinct musical processing strengths that have been found in individuals on the autism spectrum. Psychological Bulletin, 125(1), 31-46. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.125.1.31, O’Hearn, K., Franconeri, S., Wright, C., Minshew, N., & Luna, B. Razor sharp attention to detail, incredible long-term memory, knowledge and focus in areas of special interest, and sometimes even savantism—where a specific skill of the autistic mind exceeds the bounds of what we deem humanly possible. On the other hand, someone with ASD may be perfectly capable of navigating someone else through traffic and taking the correct route because they have a terrific memory, and have memorized the map (Miller, 1999). Data analysis identified that while each of the programs employed differing strategies in implementing a strength-based approach, collectively the strategies could be clustered as components crucial in the implementation of autism specific strength-based ICT programs.

    For further reading on this topic, one should read Lacara,Golan, Baron-Cohen & Miles, 2007 (Ramdoss et al., 2012). A rare freshness and sense of wonderment. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices are IQ testing geared toward problem solving, which people with ASD often perform well (Dawson et al., 2007). This ability speaks volumes in any occupation or field where precision is required. 119 participants began the study and 89 were still participating at the end (Gray et al., 2012). In some cases, people with autism have extraordinary strengths and talents in music, visual art, and calendar counting (Miller, 1999). The results . Research suggests that people with ASD are concrete thinkers and tasks, such as driving, requires a thought process that can figure in variables such as; unorganized patterns and thought processes of other drivers, changing lights, and many options of which way to turn at an intersection.

    This pattern is a widespread characteristic of memory in autism and it led to . along with special abilities. Photo: Flicker/Allen Allen. Research indicates that people with ASD are concrete thinkers and are sensitive to certain experiences, which are not noticed by most people; such as certain textures of food in the mouth, or clothe on their skin, or loud noises. Found inside – Page 80When Kanner (1943) reported his first cohort of autistic children, he stated that “the children's memory was phenomenal” (p. ... Strengths. in. Autism. Most of the assessment tools in the field of autism are based on the deficit model. Dawson, M., Soulières, I., Gernsbacher, M. A., & Mottron, L. (2007). . Further study on this subject can be found by studying Hermelin and O’Connor, 1990 (Miller, 1999).

    The authors analyzed 26 of the most intriguing articles and used 11 in their study (Ramdoss et al., 2012). Researchers have defined ASD in many ways. Alloway, T.P., Rajendran, G., & Archibald, L.M. The results of this study found that degree of ID was a significant predictor for level of independence, as the severity of ID increases, the level of independence decreases (Gray et al., 2012). This research poses a theoretical argument, which is people with ASD should not necessarily be pigeonholed within the realm of having a developmental disability just because the world they live in is not yet equipped to teach them in a way they can understand, or learn from them in a way that others can understand. However, whether people with ASD are cognitively superior in visual processing and what causes the … . Studies confirm that when remembering information, high-functioning ASD individuals do not use their long-term memory, visual strategies, or even contextual clues. Leading experts in the field contribute papers to this book, explaining intervention techniques and strategies. Parents, researchers, professionals, and clinicians interested in educating people with autism will appreciate this volume. Able to concentrate for long periods of time when motivated. Acronyms . Some of the key research findings relating to autism, pitch, musical memory, and melody include: Pitch discrimination, labeling, and categorization; Long-term memory for melody Alistair, a high-functioning 13-year-old, commented that he had “number overload” when he failed a test that required him to repeat numbers in backward order. Gio wasn't using any words, and would become so frustrated he would bang his head on the ground. Women who experienced cognitive weakness had an increased risk of depression and sleep disruptions. However, even high-functioning ASD students can display verbal working memory problems. The term "spectrum" refers to the wide range of symptoms, skills, and levels of impairment that people with ASD can have. Cite this. This is particularly true of people with ASD who are otherwise identified as savants. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are often described in terms of their difficulties, deficits and challenges. (able to mentally model complex systems, may develop instinctive understanding of the system from this internalized model) logical thinking. This can also benefit the TD sibling when attending community functions and events, in that they are able to meet other TD siblings who understand similar challenges of family life. For further reading on this topic, Dawson and colleagues wrote an article titled The level and nature of autistic intelligence, 2007 (Meilleur et al., 2015). The level and nature of autistic intelligence. Autism is a spectrum condition and affects people in different ways. The results of this study concluded that people with ASD performed better on visual perception tasks than they did on visual locomotion tasks (Smith, 2015). There is no formula for autism. Neocortical system abnormalities in autism: an fMRI study of spatial working memory. The researchers believe the new method; Intermodal Preferential Looking (IPL) of testing will prove a correlation between using tense words and non-tense words when children with ASD are learning new words (Tovar et al., 2015). Initial results show that the PFC of a child with autism has a much greater volume of neurons, up to 67% more. Found inside – Page 54in autistic children. ... A predominantly male sex ratio for exceptional abilities similar to that associated with autism was reported by Hill (1978). ... Nonetheless, commonalities in neuropsychological strengths (memory and certain ... but also develops their strengths and abilities. The participants in this study consisted of 22 children; 19 boys and 3girls, all of whom needing 15-20 hours of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) (Tovar et al., 2015). Adult outcomes in autism: Community inclusion and living skills. (2006, January 16). ASD affects people in different ways and can range from mild to severe. Children with autism also display less activation in the PFC when they are asked to remember and process information. Memorising and learning information quickly. Autistic Strengths reviewed for the workplace: At its best, autism can offer these strengths: strong conceptualization skill. Family adaptation was the dependent variable. Individuals with autism have both specific difficulties with memory and memory strengths. (able to mentally model complex systems, may develop instinctive understanding of the system from this internalized model) logical thinking. Both groups were divided into matching subgroups; 9 children 9-12 in age, 15 adolescents 13-17 in age, and 15 adults 18-29 in age (O’Hearn et al., 2013). There are four males to one female that are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (Elder, 2002). Found inside – Page 400Unlike children with PLD, those with autism generally demonstrate little interest in communication or sharing ... As individuals with autism demonstrate relative strengths in rote memory, 400 CUED SPEECH AND CUED LANGUAGE FOR DEAF AND ... Performance in the classroom and the workplace is an essential part of people’s lives, in that it helps people achieve a sense of accomplishment, and self-worth. This difference in memory functioning may contribute to their impaired adaptive functioning in social . This test has helped people see; there is need of a new way of teaching, acceptance for how people are different in the way they think, and understanding by parents.Â. In addition it introduces new emphases on MEG, epilepsy and memory. In highlighting both biomedical and psychological perspectives, this book reflects the multi-level emphasis of contemporary thinking about autism. Excellent Memory Skills: Many people on the spectrum have amazing memory skills. Tracy Packiam Alloway, Ph.D., is a psychology professor at the University of North Florida. In both experiments, the team identified drugs that could reverse the attention or memory problems in the mice.
    However, this may be connected to their difficulty in knowing what they should focus on, rather than a working memory deficit per se. Savants, although rare at 10% of the population (Edelson 2014), is the perfect example of a strength of Autism. Another definition is similar, and includes; “resistance to environmental change or change in routine and unusual responses to sensory experiences” (Greeff & Nolting, 2013). Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are often supported in daily life by visual presentations such as picture cards or illustrations.

    Strengths are indicative of altered information processing, whereas talents are more influenced by practice and . To find out more about the memory superpowers of a child with autism, check out my new children's book here. This point is argued because I have been told by parents and grandparents of certain individuals that their spatial navigation abilities are remarkable, as they are able to memorize a map or a route that has been driven by someone else while they rode in the vehicle, and then be able to direct someone else on those same routes in metropolitan areas. Ego and self-serving biases shape the life story we share with the world—and with ourselves. The results indicated that; 60% were strong in personality characteristics, over 50% in social personality, over 45% in skills, over 40% in cognitive functioning, and 20% in behavior and coping. Smith, A. D., (2015). Participants were asked to answer two essay questions, one associated with their child’s strengths, and the other associated with challenges. The good news: An internal reckoning will help us better comprehend who we truly are. Although not considered in the core diagnostic criteria, attention problems are also common in ASD. American Psychological Association. Still, my husband and I were in denial. Visual learning and thinking and autism.

    This book examines some fundamental issues, including: How children's specific diagnoses should affect educational assessment and planning How we can support the families of children with autism Features of effective instructional and ... Memory difficulty is not part of the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD); but, it is a common difficulty experienced by many individuals with this diagnosis. Autistic Strengths reviewed for the workplace: At its best, autism can offer these strengths: strong conceptualization skill.

    These might be strengths when compared to typically developing children, or individual strengths within your child's own set of skills. Teachers must use learning styles that fit the child's strengths. This article emphasizes declarative and non . 8. Savants are generally known as being gifted in music, visual art, and calendar counting (Miller, 1999). Author: MORAINE, Paula. The book addresses potential mechanisms that may underlie the development of autism and the neural systems that are likely to be affected by these molecular, Koshino, H., et al. In the Gray and colleagues paper, the relevance to this study of the strengths of autism is in identifying what areas a person with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be independent, and in what ways they are dependent on others (Gray, Keating, Taffe, Brereton, Einfeld, Reardon, & Tonge, 2014). Learning Styles & Autism. What are the predisposing factors? Doi: 10:3389/psyg 2015. Working memory profiles of . (2009). Showing how to use an individual's strengths to address executive functioning weaknesses, this approach will also help to build a strong foundation for social and communication skills. Autism And Everyday Executive Function: A Strengths Based Approach For Improving Attention, Memory, Organization And Flexibility|Paula Moraine, Panch Kanya: A Novel Experience In Indian Philosophy|Ritu Kamal, The Vow (Harper Monogram)|Mary Spencer, Les Chants Du Voyageur -Recueil De Vers En III Parties: I -chants D'Armorique -II -Cà Et Là -III -Sujets Intimes Et De Circonstance|Toussaint LE . This memory game builds on the visual strengths, allowing the child to feel successful and encouraged. The topic of the strengths of autism for me is derived from the people I know through the work I do as a service coordinator of the developmental disabilities program in three counties in Eastern Oregon. Autism is a developmental disorder. The purpose of this study was to highlight the positive aspects of these family relationships from the perspective of both the mother and the sister of a boy with ADS across the lifespan in order to develop a hypothesis for further study (Diener, Anderson, Wright & Dunn, 2015). The discussion is hinged on the concept of people with ASD being categorized as having a disability and how much longer our society will believe this. Variables associated with the strengths of ASD include; strong marriage and family ties, and high self-esteem (Colavita, Luthra, & Perry, 2014). Focussing on a label is misleading and can be counter-productive; focussing on the specific . Having an extraordinarily good memory (being able to remember facts for a long period of time). In some cases, high-functioning students can have an above-average verbal working memory, while low-functioning students perform at the same level as a student with a specific language impairment. This study shows that cognitive processed in people with ASD are different, but not always low-functioning and their perception of detail is an advantage to be highly regarded. Challenges included; communication skills, behaviors, anxiety, and repetitive behaviors (Colavita et al., 2014). By recognizing and discussing the strengths of a child can help your kid to be successful. The important thing to remember is that autism affects everyone differently and there are many positive traits of autism. Stacy Phillips, The Foundations Of Educational Effectiveness|Graafland, Expelling The Senate's Gentlemen Traitors|CL Gammon Describe Performance in General Education Curriculum: This includes an explanation of how the disability or giftedness affects the child's carers and educators can design learning environments that capitalise on the strengths that such a memory system . Participants included 39 people with ASD and 39 people who were TD. It was found that behavior and emotional challenges had an adverse effect on the ability to live independently. We want to make sure that we are really honing in on these things when we are doing a screening, a diagnostic interview, or talking to teachers. The results of this study showed a positive correlation between children who performed well in the MSEL and who also had an understanding of the ongoing (–ing) when identifying words. But children with ASD also have many strengths and abilities. Brain overgrowth in autism during a critical time in development: implications for frontal pyramidal neuron and interneuron development and connectivity. We are autism specialists and can provide you with trusted information for free. Honesty. Working memory profiles of . Miller indicated that the majority of savants are diagnosed with autism. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4304163. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a class of neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by difficulties with communication and social interactions, as well as restricted or repetitive patterns of behavior. Autistic people may display a range of strengths and abilities that can be directly related to their diagnosis, including: Learning to read at a very early age (known as hyperlexia). 2008. The study with faces also found that children with autism tend to analyze facial features like objects, rather than in light of social relationships, which may explain their trouble interpreting social nuances (Koshino et al., 2005; 2008). Following on from the highly successful book Autism: The Facts, this new volume by Simon Baron-Cohen summarizes the current understanding of the autistic spectrum, from Asperger syndrome to autism. This study found that nearly half of the 17 4 year old children with autism have grammatical strength (Tovar, Fein & Naigles, 2015). For example, during a verbal working memory test, Daniel, a 14-year-old with ASD, was presented with the sentence: Dogs can play the guitar. Participants met the criteria of the study by meeting DSM-IV definition of Autism Disorder (Gray et al., 2012). Researchers have found behavior may be associated to lack of understanding by others as to how an individual with ASD sees and relates to the world around them. Results indicated that TD people were lower in accuracy than those with ASD in the rapid enumeration testing. Co-occurrence in visual and auditory modalities was lower than expected at 24%, but researchers believe limitations to Study 2 are responsible because of the low number of participants (Meilleur et al., 2015). This study was conducted to answer three questions by using two studies. These findings were contrary to the hypothesis of these researchers. This argument might suggest what it is like to live in a foreign country and not be able to have basic needs met because they cannot be communicated. Some research suggests that people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may have particular strengths or talents related to: memory, music, organization, art, spatial navigation, calendar counting, and many other specializations (Miller, 1999). This argument will come down to arguing that people with ASD might be as difficult to communicate with as a person is who is from a different country, but that should not be thought of as a disability, as people with ASD are also often credited with exceptional talents, such as; attention to detail about things that other people would never notice. The Neuropsychology of Autism provides an up-to-date summary on the neuropsychology of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), written by leaders in the field. The studies that were conducted to develop the research articles support the argument that people with ASD have strengths and special talents. In the past, someone with ASD has been branded as having a learning disability, but this is likely because teachers did not understand their learning processes and were not able to teach them. May excel (if able) in academic areas such as science, engineering and mathematics as they are technical and logical subjects that do not heavily rely on social interaction. Learn about how sertraline works, potential side effects Participants were given four different tasks and it was found that there was not significant difference between the two groups (Smith, 2015). The Diener, Anderson, Wright, and Dunn study is relevant to this study because it focuses on the strengths of autism in the aspect of forming positive relationships with siblings. Savants in the past have often been characterized as having ID because the testing was based on the use of language, rather than finding a different way of identifying intelligence in savants.

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