• kazakhstani initiative on asset recovery

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    We know from the above that Mirtchev start­ed to work for the Kazakh gov­ern­ment around 2002/2003, and the change in Krull UK’s struc­ture from 2004 is noticeable. […] I want­ed to alert you to this unique and extra­or­di­nary oppor­tu­ni­ty. . Earlier this year a StAR report revealed that in the majority of foreign bribery cases settled abroad, host countries are left out of the bargain: only 3% of the payments imposed on companies over the last 13 years were returned to the countries where the bribe took place.. For too long there has been a global misreading of what "asset recovery . Although the emails the Mail has seen show that the talks eventually broke down, he remained on friendly terms: 'I wanted to reach back out to you and continue our conversations,' Hunter wrote to Kulibayev on November 25, 2012. The recent New York Post bombshell reports on Hunter Biden's alleged laptop contents included a curious piece of evidence - a photograph of an FBI subpoena which bears the signature of the agency's top child porn investigator, special agent Joshua Wilson. The Mail published a photo they obtained from the "Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery" showing Druggy Hunter with his beaming father alongside Corrupt Oligarch Rakishev. Yet oth­er pur­chas­es sug­gest he has a for­tune far in excess of that. Take care my brother! Has another Hunter Biden laptop been seized in Ukraine? A lat­er email to Mirtchev from Mosbacher, sent in June 2015, sug­gests that Mirtchev’s wealth could be much greater than even what the above spend­ing suggests: The only Formula 1 race­track in the U.S., locat­ed in Texas, is up for sale. Hunter Biden and Rakishev also enjoyed a long and chummy personal correspondence as well, alleged emails show. The Mail revealed that between 2012 and 2014, Hunter worked as a sort of go-between for Rakishev (pictured), a self-styled 'international businessman, investor and entrepreneur' with close family connections to the kleptocratic regime of his homeland's despotic former president Nursultan Nazarbayev. I certainly don't recall ever hearing of this back in 2010 and I read the news daily and have most of my adult life. Krull Corporation (UK) Ltd was dis­solved in 2010. This dependency is driven by the legitimacy and revenue needs of the Kazakhstani elite, on the one hand, and hinas relative economic capabil ities, guided by eijings Go Global and Go West initiatives, on the other.

    Back in 2003, Kazakhstan’s inter­na­tion­al rep­u­ta­tion had tak­en a hit amid all the media report­ing on Giffen’s arrest. This includes management of seized, frozen and confiscated assets in the country of seizure and transparent, accountable and effective disbursement of funds upon return. Forbes Kerry, who has never publicly acknowledged her debt to Rakishev, finalised the deal in January 2014. 39 LinkedIn, undat­ed, https://www.linkedin.com/company/etar-ltd. 40 Accessed via the Factiva data­base.

    Rakishev reportedly dined regularly . The 30th edition of the World Investment Report looks at the prospects for foreign direct investment and international production during and beyond the global crisis triggered by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. So for exam­ple, we learn that a Kazakh del­e­ga­tion “fea­tur­ing top offi­cials and peo­ple close to [Nazarbayev]” spent $3 mil­lion on a vis­it to the United Kingdom which “accord­ing to the offi­cials, can­not be explained oth­er­wise but on the basis of exist­ing bribery schemes and mis­use of state funds.”14. Found inside – Page 758Prohibition of the use of actual data as evidence as well as the possibility of restricted use in the performance of procedures associated with the case will be established by the Court upon its own initiative or under the petition of ... Indeed, Mirtchev’s biog­ra­phy in the 2010 Samruk Kazyna annu­al report details lit­tle involve­ment in busi­ness apart from his own Krull Corporation, instead describ­ing him as hav­ing had “a dis­tin­guished aca­d­e­m­ic career”. This is the same Kaloyan Dimitrov who was co-direc­tor with Mirtchev in Krull UK from 1999–2004, the man who stayed on as a direc­tor of Krull UK after Mirtchev left the com­pa­ny, but was report­ed­ly involved along with Mirtchev in dis­cus­sions regard­ing American oil com­pa­nies look­ing to get into Kazakhstan in 2008. The premise is flawed. (8 December. The telling photo was first published a year ago on a Kazskhstani website dedicated to working against corruption and money laundering, called the KIAR, or Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery. The Mail published a photo they obtained from the "Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery" showing Druggy Hunter with his beaming father alongside Corrupt Oligarch Rakishev.

    Other emails purportedly sent by Hunter showed him leveraging his dad's office to boost his pay on Burisma's board. Hunter Biden and Rakishev also enjoyed a long and chummy personal correspondence as well, alleged emails show. This volume is intended to guide policy makers in their efforts to ensure necessary resources and the development of a plan, policy or strategy aimed at eradicating the barriers to asset recovery. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. trying to spend some much needed time with my wife and daughters. At some point he even acquired U.S. cit­i­zen­ship – a right almost uni­ver­sal­ly denied to high-rank­ing for­mer Communist offi­cials, lead­ing to a belief in some cir­cles in Washington DC that Mirtchev may have been an intel­li­gence asset for the United States while he was an offi­cial in Bulgaria. A good introduction for anyone interested in understanding what the World Bank Group does and how it does it, this book shows readers who want to learn more where to begin. The comments below have not been moderated. Mirtchev’s posi­tion at Samruk Kazyna would also be well remu­ner­at­ed. The Mail published a photo they obtained from the "Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery" showing Hunter Biden with his beaming father alongside Rakishev. I know you have been in touch with [redact­ed] recent­ly and my guess is that he would be expect­ing these… Could you kind­ly send me a note detail­ing the nature of these trans­ac­tions and how they fit in with the funds recent­ly received into the account? This rich collection focuses on the broad research interests of Professor Nico Schrijver, in whose honour it was created. Hunter Biden and Rakishev also enjoyed a long and chummy personal correspondence as well, alleged emails show. Two U.S. government bodies have imposed new sanctions against Chinese officials and companies, but experts say the rules are being circumvented. It is in the pub­lic inter­est for there to be an exam­i­na­tion of these links, and the ori­gins of Mirtchev’s seem­ing­ly lim­it­less wealth. ” cit­ing peo­ple with knowl­edge of the Nazarbayev family’s finances. This volume examines the objectives, design features, and implementation approaches that can contribute to the effectiveness of an income and asset disclosure (IAD) system, and enhance its impact as a prevention and enforcement tool. Found inside – Page 14The project in Kazakhstan is being performed under the production sharing agreement ( PSA ) between AGIP KCO and the ... outsource all salvage and redundant asset disposal management to the Aucor Mining Assets Recovery division . Though Rakishev immediately denied all wrongdoing, and no charges were ever filed, in September 2013 he decided to hire a notoriously expensive US law firm called Greenberg Traurig to deal with incoming fire related to the probe. Congress Unveils New Bipartisan Bill to Fight Foreign Bribery. DR Congo Residents Come Forward as Potential Victims in SFO Corruption Investigation into ENRC, Sudan Recovers $4 Billion of Assets From Ex-President Bashir. According to Breitbart, the photo shows four men. 03 Oct: Secretive Offshore Maneuvers Enriched Unofficial Third Wife of Kazakhstani Leader Nursultan Nazarbayev The unof­fi­cial third wife of Kazakhstan's for­mer pres­i­dent Nursultan Nazarbayev received $30 mil­lion appar­ent­ly for almost noth­ing, leaked off­shore documents… A Kazakhstan anti-corruption website — the Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery — has published an undated photo of Joe Biden and his son with the former president of Kazakhstan and billionaire oligarch Kenes Rakishev. "A Ukrainian lawmaker has claimed a second laptop belonging to Hunter Biden's business contacts in the country has been . cit. Rakishev appears on the far left. Which is perhaps what persuaded him to take meetings with Hunter Biden, a member of one of America's most powerful political dynasties. No one is aware of this at this point. It is not known what doc­u­ments were sent and whether the trans­ac­tion was ulti­mate­ly accept­ed. A joint FAO and World Bank study which shows how the farming systems approach can be used to identify priorities for the reduction of hunger and poverty in the main farming systems of the six major developing regions of the world. Regrettably I am unable to accept assur­ances that these are from syn­di­cat­ed funds. 2016 - 2022 KIAR. Police searched the headquarters of a state-owned bank as part of a criminal investigation into a $55 million loan to a brewery owned by Isabel dos Santos. The IFC then politely informed the oligarch that it 'cannot invest with him' because its 'very deep due diligence processes' had established that he had some 'connections' involving the 'president's family' that 'are a liability to us'. Possibly, although there is no indi­ca­tion of this in the email: Mosbacher specif­i­cal­ly says that she can put Mirtchev him­self in con­tact with the track’s principal. By Megan Sheets For Dailymail.com and Guy Adams for the Daily Mail, Published: 23:04 EST, 21 October 2020 | Updated: 12:29 EST, 22 October 2020.

    For exam­ple, a 16 December 2013 Press Association newswire writ­ten by Mirtchev on ener­gy issues and a 25 April 2011 Marketwire press release by Mosbacher on the uncer­tain­ty of short and long-term trade­offs between debt and tax cuts are both foot­not­ed in this way. You can't post about the Hunter Biden scandal on Twitter ... "Dariga's million-dollar Austrian accounts" - Eurasia ... In the undated photo, shared by the Kazhakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery, the former vice president can be seen smiling with Kazakhstan's former prime minister Karim Massimov and his son . The Mail published a photo they obtained from the "Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery" showing Hunter Biden with his beaming father alongside Rakishev. KIAR. In 2014, Tele2, a Swedish tele­coms com­pa­ny that part­nered with Nurieva in Kazakhstan, des­ig­nat­ed her as a PEP, noting, “a poten­tial link between Ms. Aigul Nuri[y]eva and [the then Kazakh] Prime Minister Massimov… She con­firms that she knows Mr. Massimov from the peri­od pri­or to him enter­ing pol­i­tics, when they were col­leagues, but that they do not have a busi­ness rela­tion­ship today.”32, The Wall Street Journal report­ed that Nurieva, a banker by pro­fes­sion, is also an investor with Massimov, who was the prime min­is­ter of Kazakhstan at the time, in a com­pa­ny in Singapore.33. © Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery. 33 Wall Street Journal, 22 July 2008, op. At the same time, those agen­cies that have com­pro­mis­ing infor­ma­tion on Nazarbayev’s polit­i­cal ene­mies should be “care­ful­ly cul­ti­vat­ed in the process of ‘assist­ing’ their inves­tiga­tive activities.”13 Although Global Options were keen to stress the legal­i­ty of their tac­tics, the word­ing in the above report very much sug­gests that a for­eign gov­ern­ment was pay­ing a com­pa­ny to inter­fere into a U.S. crim­i­nal investigation. Fast forward to 2012 and Rakishev had just joined Forbes magazine's top-15 list of Kazakhstan's 'most influential' tycoons, with estimated assets of some $332million. Reporting by Guy Adams for The Daily Mail. Further alle­ga­tions fol­lowed in 2015 when Kaloyan Dimitrov’s broth­er, Asparuh, brought a legal case in Hong Kong against a Chinese financier, Dominic Lau. Controlling Corruption - Volume 4 Let me know when you'd like to connect.'. This publication identifies the main areas of weakness and potential areas for action to combat money-laundering, tax evasion, foreign bribery, and to identify, freeze and return stolen assets. Kazakhstan Country Gender Assessment Mosbacher, as a Republican Party fundrais­er, should be well aware of the need for due dili­gence of indi­vid­u­als and close scruti­ny of the ori­gin of funds.

    At the very least, she is a polit­i­cal­ly exposed per­son (PEP) – a close asso­ciate of a politi­cian – a des­ig­na­tion which caus­es enhanced lev­els of due dili­gence to be per­formed in busi­ness transactions. Sadly, at the time of this happy exchange, Biden's marriage was in the process of breaking down. This did not keep Hunter from maintaining a chummy relationship with Rakishev, which also included Joe, as evidenced by a photo showing the three that was obtained from the "Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery."
    Is the Uzbek government embracing the risks of money laundering? I would be happy to have a dinner with you and all our friends! The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health Hunter Biden also did business with Kazakhstan. 27 Atlantic Council Annual Report 2017–2018, https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/images/publications/20180514-Atlantic-Council-Annual-Report-sm.pdf, p74.

    Therefore, actions must be tak­en to cor­rect these impres­sions. Joe and Hunter Biden follow along in order from left to right. In his book The Godfather-in-Law, Rakhat Aliyev alleges that Mirtchev was paid $26 mil­lion for his work for the gov­ern­ment of Kazakhstan, most of it in cash. The Mail published a photo they obtained from the "Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery" showing Hunter Biden with his beaming father alongside Rakishev. KIAR. Published in association with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The laptop's hard drive was obtained by Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who shared its contents with the Post.

    The Mail published a photo they obtained from the "Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery" showing Hunter Biden with his beaming father alongside Rakishev. From 1996–2004, Krull UK did not make any mon­ey, its mod­est prof­its in some years can­celled out by oth­er years’ loss­es, result­ing in a net loss of over £56,000 in that time­frame. The duo remained in close contact throughout the following year, discussing a range of business ventures. In one email, Pozharskyi wrote: 'Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some time together. Originally posted by Scoutmaster: I find it curious how many politicians significantly increase their net worth during their time in office, quite a bit more than could be explained by their salary plus standard benefits. With this in mind, the Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Initiative has developed and updated this Asset Recovery Handbook: A Guide for Practitioners to assist those grappling with the strategic, organizational, investigative, and legal ... It seems that two attorneys who led a team working the Kazakh's case, John Pappalardo and Stanford Saunders, charged him in the region of $1,000 and $700 per hour respectively. and 'my brother from another mother!'. 'Ablyazov's Kazakh Nuke Deal: Scandal Pops Up In The USA In Distorted Form' The Mail published a photo they obtained from the "Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery" showing Hunter Biden with his beaming father alongside Rakishev. 5 September 2014, by Maud Perdriel-Vaissiere. Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery. The Mail published a photo they obtained from the "Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery" showing Hunter Biden with his beaming father alongside Rakishev. From the Bidens? It's my 20th anniversary of marriage tomorrow,' Hunter told Rakishev in July 2013). Әкежан Қажыгелдин: Шетелде KIAR (Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery - ред.) Rakhat Aliyev – for­mer son-in-law to Kazakhstan’s first pres­i­dent Nursultan Nazarbayev – relates in his book The Godfather-in-Law that dur­ing one of Mirtchev’s first con­ver­sa­tions with Nazarbayev’s daugh­ter Dariga, Mirtchev tried to impress her by speak­ing about meet­ings he had had with Condoleezza Rice and Dick Cheney. As in other nations like Ukraine and China where Hunter plied his trade, Joe Biden may not have been far behind. Krull UK’s accounts indi­cate that Global Industries (UK) Ltd first became a ‘debtor’ – in oth­er words, a cus­tomer – in 2004, when Mirtchev was still a Krull UK direc­tor, and that New Mount Limited became a cred­i­tor – an organ­i­sa­tion finan­cial­ly back­ing the com­pa­ny – in 2005, to the tune of £1.6 million. Hunter Biden and Rakishev also enjoyed a long and chummy personal correspondence as well, emails show. Over the next decade Mirtchev cre­at­ed an exten­sive net­work of con­tacts in Washington, espe­cial­ly mem­bers of the Republican Party – Rudy Giuliani, Henry Kissinger, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, amongst many others. Trump called for Barr to appoint someone to probe the laptop, which has become the subject of repeated Trump attacks on his rival after Giuliani handed over the contents to the Post. Pro-Trump Union Blasts Biden for Lying About Endorsement Pa. Boilermakers Trustee: 'Nobody from his staff—nobody—has ever spoken with us' A top official at one of Pennsylvania's most powerful labor groups slammed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for falsely boasting of the union's. 23 The Financial Times, 13 October 2016, Fundraiser Georgette Mosbacher on why Trump is a ‘decent man’. Trump has yet to specify what crime he believes the Bidens have committed, but that has not stopped him from going as far as suggesting to voters that Biden belongs in jail. 10/23/2020 / By Ethan Huff.  On 11 June 2015, Mirtchev spends over $34,000 in Christie’s in London, and takes a flight cost­ing near­ly $7,000 to Frankfurt, Germany. 37 Correspondence between Barclays Knightsbridge International Banking Centre and Brookrange, 2007 (unpub­lished). Mirtchev has nev­er been charged with any crime, and, as men­tioned above, Robert Mueller’s probe end­ed with­out any offi­cial men­tion of Mirtchev. This is the United Nations definitive report on the state of the world economy, providing global and regional economic outlook for 2020 and 2021. Ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher. At such an extreme price – a mere $500 mil­lion – the race­track, the Circuit of the Americas, could only be of inter­est to the world’s rich­est bil­lion­aires, so it seems sur­pris­ing that the per­son Mosbacher was pitch­ing to Mirtchev, who is not an oli­garch, or some­one even on the Forbes 400 list. On an imme­di­ate basis, our con­tacts in the Attorney General’s Office (and their White House coun­ter­parts) should be fostered. But at the very least, the source of Mirtchev’s vast wealth is unclear, and there appears to be a case for him to answer, an opin­ion appar­ent­ly shared by the FBI, whose inves­ti­ga­tion into Mirtchev that began around 2008 was still open as of 2016, accord­ing to a source famil­iar with the investigation. The Mail published a photo they obtained from the "Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery" showing Hunter Biden with his beaming father alongside Rakishev. Rakishev, for his part, is married to the daughter of a former mayor of the country's capital city (recently re-named 'Nursultan,' after the elderly despot), who later served as its Defence Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. In anoth­er sec­tion, the doc­u­ment says that “KO‑2 is ST” in ref­er­ence to the Giffen indict­ment. 10 GlobalOptions Management, 2003, Project ST (unpub­lished). The emails indicated that Hunter introduced his father Vadym Pozharskyi of Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company that Hunter served on the board of, in 2015. And while there is no proof to be found in com­pa­ny doc­u­ments, there is cer­tain­ly a paper trail that sug­gests a link between Mirtchev’s asso­ciates and pow­er­ful fig­ures in Kazakhstan. Found inside(2014) Few and Far: The Hard Facts on Stolen Asset Recovery. ... Jimu, I. (2009) Managing Proceeds of Asset Recovery: The Case of Nigeria, Peru, the Philippines and Kazakhstan. ... London: International State Crime Initiative. Please come to New York soon and bring your family. An unverified photograph, published on the website of an anti-corruption group called the Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery, appears to show Hunter introducing his Dad to both Rakishev and . Sealed Complaint. For example, the leaked emails obtained by the Mail show that the International Finance Corporation, a highly respectable sister organisation of the World Bank, held preliminary talks with Rakishev about a business collaboration, before deciding to pull out. This paper reviews empirical and theoretical work on the links between banks and their governments (the bank-sovereign nexus). 'Can you have dinner with me, Hunter Biden, Alex [Forbes Kerry] and team on Wednesday next week in NYC? Found inside – Page 147A study of obstacles to asset recovery conducted by the World Bank and UNODC found that 'immunity acts as a barrier where, ... concerning assets suspected of having been illicitly obtained by Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev. There is no indi­ca­tion of what the mul­ti-bil­lion dol­lar inter­na­tion­al indus­tri­al enter­pris­es Mirtchev sup­pos­ed­ly chaired are. This report examines the use of these entities in nearly all cases of corruption. Found inside – Page 320Secretary General fo the East African Community, 174n.197 Kazakhstan EAEU and, 208–12 Shanghai Cooperation Organization and ... Uhuru, 181–82 Kim, Yong Kyun, 96 Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative (US), 301 Koh, Harold, 242–44 Komu v. ', The email did not state that the two actually met, and the Biden campaign responded that 'we have reviewed Joe Biden's official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place.'. Just before the Communist Party was forced out of pow­er in Bulgaria in February 1990, Mirtchev was elect­ed to serve in the country’s Supreme Soviet, the Soviet equiv­a­lent of a parliament. Play it now. Your position appears to be deeply infected with incarcerationism. See, Southern District of New York, United States Of America V James H. Giffen, Defendant. We will host you and your team.'. This doc­u­men­ta­tion will be need­ed pri­or to the funds being remit­ted. Even Mirtchev’s own lawyers describe him as “an aca­d­e­m­ic, macro­eco­nom­ic advi­sor, and author.”28 Perhaps real­is­ing the strange­ness of hav­ing an American aca­d­e­m­ic sit on the board of Kazakhstan’s most impor­tant state com­pa­ny, Mirtchev’s Samruk Kazyna biog­ra­phy was changed in 2015 to the following: “he serves and has served as a chair­man and direc­tor of mul­ti-bil­lion dol­lar inter­na­tion­al indus­tri­al enter­pris­es, chair­man of a NASDAQ-list­ed joint ven­ture cor­po­ra­tion with a high-end risk-mit­i­ga­tion ser­vices, an inde­pen­dent direc­tor and chair­man of the board of direc­tors of Sustainable devel­op­ment fund Kazyna, a direc­tor of Stewart & Stewart – a top-rat­ed Washington, D.C. law firm.”29. Joe Biden's campaign has denied any wrongdoing. It may even be that Joe Biden himself was dragged into the oligarch's orbit. Advising the Governments of Guatemala and Argentina on the formation of an Asset Recovery Units (with the World Bank StAR Initiative), February - March 2018 Presentations on asset recovery, particularly in cases involving public corruption in Latin America, Convencion de Fiscales y Procuradores Generales, Lima, Peru, October 2017; Krull UK’s accounts state that a woman named Aigul Nurieva owned at the time 50 per­cent of the share cap­i­tal of Global Industries (UK) Ltd and was the con­trol­ling par­ty of New Mount Ltd. To this end could you please let me have copies of any sup­port­ing paper­work (in addi­tion to the mem­o­ran­dums that I hold) that pro­vides evi­dence of the sources of these funds. DailyMail.com lifted the lid on Hunter's alleged relationship with Rakishev (pictured) last week. An unverified photograph, published on the website of an anti-corruption group called the Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery, appears to show Hunter introducing his Dad to both Rakishev and one Karim Massimov, the former Kazakh Prime Minister.
    The per­cep­tions gen­er­at­ed about me and my com­pa­ny from this arti­cle por­tray an unfair pic­ture of my busi­ness prac­tices and activ­i­ties, while the sources for this sto­ry remain unnamed. To blame? Give them my email!'. The thesis discusses the complex array of economic institutions that project Chinese economic power In addition to running deals under the cover of his father in both China and the Ukraine, Hunter also . One of his ear­ly clients was Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oli­garch who made his mon­ey in Russian alu­mini­um in the 1990s, an indi­vid­ual barred4 from enter­ing the U.S. in 2006 over fears that he was tied to Russian organ­ised crime5, an accu­sa­tion that Deripaska has denied. The Mail published a photo they obtained from the 'Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery' showing Hunter Biden with his beaming father alongside Rakishev." ( The New York Post , 10/17/20) On October 19, 2020, DNI John Ratcliffe Told Reporters That The Information Contained On Hunter Biden's Laptop Is Not A "Russian Disinformation . деген ұйым бар. Thanks you very much my brother! It's realty [sic] an honor and pleasure. An investigation that does not result in criminal charges is not a "failure". According to the NY Post, they haven't been able to verify the picture it first appeared on a Kazakhstani anti-corruption website Kazhakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery (KIAR) last year. C4 Center and Bersih 2.0 are leading the charge to ensure that asset recovery — a technical term, that means "any effort by governments to repatriate the proceeds of corruption hidden in foreign jurisdictions" — can happen with confiscated illegal gains from money . Hunter has for years been criticized for his lucrative but ethically questionable work overseas, which has often created apparent conflicts of interest with Joe's official roles. Rapist laughs as he is arrested after being tracked down via DNA, Violence breaks out in Vienna as 10,000 protesters take to streets, Dutch police open fire with water cannon against anti-lockdown rioters, Gang of thieves armed with tasers attacked and robbed two men, Moment dog crashes golf cart into his owner's truck and walks away, Three highly venomous cobras snuggle up on tree after being rescued, Intrepid Chinese activist goes in search of concentration camps, Insulate Britain prisoner argues that an 'extreme campaign' is needed, Mass grave of over 1,300 Nazi victims uncovered in western Russia, 'I need to get home': NHS worker pleads with Insulate Britain zealots, Crowds run through the streets of Rotterdam lighting flares, Party-goers in Benidorm dress up as migrants trying to cross Channel, Email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian biz man to dad. Ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher. The telling photo was first published a year ago on a Kazskhstani website dedicated to working against corruption and money laundering, called the KIAR, or Kazakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery. NGOs launch initiative to seek return of frozen money-laundered funds.

    I do not wish to be placed in appo­si­tion [sic] of being unable to accept these and look for­ward to your ear­li­est attention.37.

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