• strange animals names

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    Low-key and quiet, they live in central Africa and spend most of their time along river systems surrounded by forests. It then uses its fluted tongue to suck up the insects.
    This mottled green-gray fella is a gliding animal. It has a dorsal shell that appears pink due to visible, underlying blood vessels that regulate the armadillo’s body heat. Their bodies start using a different kind of sugar to keep them alive, called fructose. This turtle may look funny with its pig-like snout, but there’s plenty of reasons to not laugh at it. Because these shrimp have incredible eyesight (they can see in two different directions at once), they strike with pinpoint accuracy. Funny Animal Names Agra cadabra.

    Sloths are so good at blending into the environment that predators often zoom past without noticing their presence. They communicate with each other by rubbing their quills together to create low-pitched noises. Blue is said to be the rarest pigment existing in nature. From social butterflies to solitary scavengers, virtually all animals gather into groups at some point in their lives. Also have some (cell phone) videos. Like all katydids, the giant katydid gets its name from the “Katy did-Katy didn’t” sound it makes by rubbing its wings together. This distinctive lemur is found in Southeast Asia, and its habitat is expansive, with populations in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. They first hatch from their eggs in freshwater streams and lakes and then migrate to the ocean. Currently based in N.S., Canada. The moth's origin story is right in its name. Any idea what it could be? It’s true, not all mammals are warm-blooded.

    Freedom glider. Freedom glider also known as the bald eagle. (although not bald) These are funny animal names for different reasons. The reason why they are called bald eagles. Animals, Birds, and Insects with Funny Names Axolotl. Whether or not a female is interested in the mating dance they perform, she may attempt to attack, kill and feed on her wooer. Looking to learn about some of the weirdest animals in the world?

    Its scary-looking horns are there to protect the snake’s eyes as it slides sideways in the sand. It swims with its ears, eyes, and nose closed because its bill is equipped with sensitive cells that can sense prey. Using animal names for dogs is a great way to find odd names that still fit your pet well. It has a plump, bloated body with short, shovel-shaped legs that it uses to dig underground burrows. After locating prey in the water with their long, sensitive toes, they stuff it into their mouths and swallow it whole. All praying mantises are fascinating creatures, but the devil’s flower mantis is even more so. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. It’s a truly terrifying experience from the perspective of the spider.

    A respected resource for decades, the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals has been updated by a committee of experts, taking into consideration input from the scientific and laboratory animal communities and the public at large ...

    They are even known to strike against juvenile crocodiles! It’s only the markhor, a large, wild goat that’s the national animal of Pakistan. As its name implies, this spider can be found in Australia — especially in the temperate or subtropical southwest or southeast of the continent. Unfortunately, their numbers are in a major decline due to habitat loss and their difficult environmental niche of limited reproduction. Below you’ll discover the complete list of animal names our researchers have written about so far. In 2015, saiga antelope in central Kazakhstan began appearing weak and uncoordinated before dying en masse — in total, some 200,000 individuals were wiped out over the course of a few days. Unlike other opossums, it has waterproof fur and webbed feet which make swimming easier. They also have a fascinating tongue that they use much like a gecko. Chinese Water Deer. (Image via Sharenator) The Pelochelys cantorii, or Cantor’s Giant Soft Shelled Turtle, is one of the most unusual looking animals on … These slugs are hermaphrodites (having both female and male genitalia), and after mating, both individuals produce fertilized eggs. For many a pet owner, Max sounds mundane and Bailey is simply boring. It also lays eggs, which is odd for a mammal. They have poor eyesight but exceptional senses of smell and hearing that help them hunt ants and termites. Mantis shrimp are ancient, fierce and more than a little weird. Otherwise, it’s fascinating – if not a little disturbing :). This katydid also has antennae that are longer than the length of its body that it uses to locate food and attract a mate. And for those of you that have no idea what I’m talking about, here’s the classic: Fun Fact: Naked mole rats also have huge incisors outside of their mouths, so they can move dirt without having to eat it. The animal’s body and tail mimic a dried-out, brownish leaf. It’s a praying mantis that looks exactly like the beautiful, pink and white orchid flower. They are sometimes called vampire deer, but you won’t catch them sucking blood or wearing a black cape. This popular science book shows that chemists do have a sense of humor, and this book is a celebration of the quirky side of scientific nomenclature. You might ask that when you see a hummingbird hawk-moth. On this blog, you’ll find great info about tons of funny and crazy animals. And all this time I'd just been using herd, flock and school. It’s suspected that narwhals use their tusks to stun their prey or as symbols of dominance to attract females. The gharial is a crocodilian species that looks like it’s always ready for a duel because its snout resembles a long, skinny sword with more than 100 razor-sharp teeth. Another amazing fact is that marine iguanas may have been one of the inspiration for Godzilla! Native to the Pacific waters of Hawaii, this fella is also called the Hawaiian strawberry crab as well as the red boxing crab. The humpback anglerfish should not only be on the weird animals list, but also the scary animals list! The male has a bulging growth on the end of his snout that resembles a type of Indian pot that’s called a “gharha” – from which its name is derived. He holds degrees in journalism and environmental anthropology. This is an example of an animal name that’s just plain weird. They move very little, and when they do, it’s a very slow process. It also has a cleft tongue and is able to fold its legs beneath its body. Why not see an animal that looks like a cross-breed of both? The strawberry crab is unique because, well, how often do you see a bright, reddish-pink crab dotted with white spots just like a strawberry? Its dorsal fin sometimes alarms people who mistake it for a shark. It is easily harvested.

    Scorpionflies love eating dead stuff including human corpses. By. Unlike piranhas, which can strip animals to their bones, pacus are herbivorous, using their strong teeth to nosh on fruit and seeds. Just before it’s time to burrow into its dark cocoon, it gorges itself on plant food because as an adult regal moth, it doesn’t have a mouth to eat at all. This little armadillo is about the same size as a hamster, giving it perfect pet-like appeal.

    That sounds like a whopper of a tale, but they’re real and alive in Japan.

    Mammals may not be the first thing you think of when you think of weird animals. Several hornets can kill thousands of bees in just a couple of hours. With each animal the names of the female, male and young animals are given for each animal dog dogs make great family pets. Females can give birth to up to eight babies which is more than any other deer species. Blue Animals: Names of 25 Strange Blue Animals in the World. How does it do that? After its metamorphosis phase, this unusual caterpillar changes into the regal moth, the largest moth living north of Mexico. When a fish or aquatic invertebrae comes swimming near it unawares, the turtle simply opens its large mouth and suctions the prey inside like a vacuum. It feeds on aquatic plants and ambushes crustaceans, mollusks, fish with its fast and powerful bite. Is that a baby giraffe? The best-known source of many English words used for collective groupings of animals is The Book of Saint Albans, an essay on hunting published in 1486 and attributed to Juliana Berners. She also guest blogs on Storyteller.Travel. The tallest wild canid (dog-like mammal) in the world, the maned wolf features a medley of traits that are similar to the wolf, fox, coyote, jackal, and dog. Saigas are well known for their long, annual migrations where they can cover up 72 miles per day by running and swimming across rivers. Identified by their red body and long black legs and antennae, this milkweed species is welcomed by gardeners because it kills plant-eating insects such as aphids, armyworms and stink bugs. The males have vertical horns that they use for fighting other males during mating season which often ends in death. The venom can cause humans severe pain, but it won’t kill you.

    If you suffer from an insect phobia, as many do, the Phobaeticus kirbyi will haunt your nightmares. Whatever draws them together, something odd happens when creatures form crowds: They suddenly have bizarre, often silly names. Sounds magical, doesn’t it?

    They’re clumsy and can trip over their own toes. He uses his pouch to carry his… sensitive bits, while swimming in the water. It’s hard not to laugh at how aptly named this snake is; its head really does look like human male anatomy. Male narwhals are typically the ones to grow a tusk, which is actually a canine tooth that comes from the left side of the upper jaw through the lip. Sometimes, the snakes are seen hanging upside down from branches as if their noses serve to drain water. Topping all that, the male platypus is venomous. Warning: If you have trypophobia (or fear of holes), I would suggest not watching this video. Found in Eastern Africa, naked mole rats live in colonies much like ants and bees. But, once they do eat, they stuff themselves. While piranhas have razor-sharp teeth, pacu fish have teeth that look freakishly like human teeth. Famously lethargic, they can often be found in the treetops, where they lounge, nap and graze. Resembling an upturned bowl with spaghetti noodles falling out, the Halitrephes jellyfish floats in the deep ocean rarely unseen by humans. The skin has even formed veins to replicate the veins on a leaf. It can grow up to … This long, mottled brown snake is aptly named for the bizarre snout appendage attached to its head. In reproduction, males have a sperm packet which they offer to the female. 1. Sometimes you wonder what people were thinking of when they named animals.Take “manta ray” for instance.

    I love learning about new animals, and I know you do too. Also known as "honey bears," sun bears climb trees to find honeycomb, and their tongues come in handy when they lick out their loot. They float upside down and are carried along by the winds and ocean currents — where do we sign up for that mode of transportation? It’s only one of two known flying lemurs, with the other living in the Philippines. Females normally choose the males with the biggest, squishiest nose! After the sun sets is when you can focus your energy on searching for the aye-aye.

    The Agra species of Amazonian beetles have some amusing names, such as Agra vation and Agra cadabra. They lay the largest eggs of all marine invertebrates (about 0.50 inch in diameter). Just make sure to keep quiet and limit your movement, as this monkey is easily spooked.

    See more ideas about funny animal names, weird animals, funny animals.

    I’m 20, and I have a passion for animals.

    If threatened, they grunt like a pig or cry like a bird. Some males (about one in 500) have two tusks, while only about 15 percent of females tout the unusual trait.

    Scientists have estimated that there are 8.7 million animal species on Earth. Even scarier is the long, spiny thing protruding from the top of the female’s head. You can find wombats in the San Diego Zoo, but they are best viewed in the wild. We marvel at the weird and unusual forms life can take.

    Pangolin. According to a popular myth in Brazil where this fish species lives, pacu fish ate the testicles of two fishermen. Nodding is an important form of communication for this reptile, and it will either think you’re challenging it to a fight or that you’re asking it out on a date. A bite from one of these snakes may be fatal for humans, but fortunately, spiny bush vipers prefer to not live nearby human settlements. 2. (Some are quite strange!)

    Living in a variety of water bodies, they’re opportunistic feeders that strike and prey upon fish, frogs, and crayfish with their powerful jaws and claws. Found inside – Page 312... ing a widely accepted name , is needed to in his philosophy , and are descended account for the human and animal names from ... and we have taken them , without strange animal names , and the strange inquiry , from the Greeks . They look like a mix between a weasel and a skunk.

    It can travel up to 19 miles (30 km) and eats about 50,000 ants/termites per night. Ethiopia, Kenya and Angola all contain populations. They mostly prefer to hang out in flowering bushes of the rainforest. Also like deer, they have multi-chambered stomachs. Growing to a length of six feet and weighing up to 550 pounds, this enormous turtle has a smooth, olive-green shell that looks somewhat flattened. When they’re old enough to reproduce, they swim back to the same freshwater nursery where they themselves were born to spawn their own offspring. — and prominent reddish wings.

    These teeth can move independently – like weird chopsticks! The birds have protected habitat areas where numbers are strong, but deforestation in unprotected areas serves as a threat to their habitat and population density.

    Did I miss one you think I should add to the list? And she runs Everywhere Wild and JustBirding. Your best chance of seeing one exists near Mexico City in the lakes of Xochimilco. In reality, the horned viper is just a snake that only wants to eat rodents, mate, and sleep. Or a combination of both?

    You can find these light displays in the Pacific Ocean, from the Gulf of Alaska to California. Let’s get started and find out. Or the absolutely stunning, yet very unusual animal called Okapi, that looks something like a cross between a moose and a zebra but is actually related to a giraffe. 1-5 Animals with Funny/Stupid Names 1. When this occurs, they change in color. The Islands of Sumatra and Borneo are particularly good places to access their habitat. This fact helps forensic scientists to determine how long a person has been dead. More amazing still, they can control their wattles, retracting or extending them as desired during flight or while sitting stationary. They’re usually seen in either brown or light purple colors. The lowland streaked tenrec occupies the eastern rainforests, while the highland version lives in the mountainous rainforests.

    Many of these frogs have lime-green skin, but some lack any coloration on their underside, making their organs visible to the naked eye. Found inside – Page 2Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Hwang, Jay, author. Title: Strange animal partnerships/Jay Hwang. Description: Huntington Beach, CA: Teacher Created Materials, [2018]| Series: Amazing animals | Audience: Grade ... This bug is a hummingbird copycat. Mom and Dad blobfish sit on their eggs on the ocean floor to protect them from predators. Found inside... Stocktrek Images , Inc./Alamy Stock Photo ; all other images from iStock and / or Shutterstock Library of Congress Cataloging - in - Publication Data Names : Hwang , Jay , author . Title : Strange animal partnerships / Jay Hwang . Now, this may sound strange and a little… inappropiate. The Most Unusual Dog and Cat Names of 2017. A relative of the seahorse, the leafy seadragon is a bit more exotic-looking. But it actually makes a lot of sense. The devil’s flower mantis has multicolored flaps that usually stay hidden when at ease, but when threatened, open up to reveal pretty colors to make a predator think it’s only a flower and not a tasty meal. . These snakes have baffled scientists, and no one really knows the function of their strange noses beyond differentiating the sexes. These help it blend inconspicuously into the leaf litter of shallow, freshwater streams and marshes where it lives among the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America. A polliwog is a young frog or tadpole that has not yet grown legs. It’s a secret only this family of Tettigoniidae knows. There are also rare occasions when these storks make their way to Texas. Using its rigid scales to climb and launch itself from a tree branch, the flying snake then rocks its head, flattens its abdomen, and moves in a serpentine motion all at the same time. Head to Australia’s Maria Island, where they are prevalent and easy to spot. These claws help the armadillo to dig burrows into sand so quickly that it’s nicknamed a sand-swimmer. It is also monogamous, mating with the same partner for life. White-bellied go-away-bird. A type of anglerfish, the red-lipped batfish looks like someone who applied makeup without a mirror due to its striking red lips that look as if they’re smeared with lipstick. Unfortunately, deforestation is contributing to population declines. Its nickname? There are about 60 different varieties of glass frogs, and they range in size and shades of green. Their stinging bite punches venomous saliva that kills its prey within seconds. After tapping on trees to locate insects based on percussion feedback, they bore a hole with their teeth and long middle finger to extract and eat the insects.

    What places them among the weirdest looking animals is their tusk.
    So, why are these geckos called satanic? From a frog that shows off its organs to a goat that faints when scared, here are 50 unusual animals to add to your travel bucket list now. Sea pens live at depths of over 40 feet but often under 250 feet. Image credit: Photo illustration by Karolyn Darrow. This name might strike fear in rat haters hearts, but these animals actually make good pets, just like domesticated rats. My eyes, they have been opened. In fact, the name, "jabiru," means "swollen neck" in the Tupi-Guarani language. Basilosaurus Whales haven't always been ocean-dwellers—their ancestors lived on land, and they moved to the water about 50 million years ago. Marabou storks live in Africa south of the Sahara, including in South Africa's Kruger National Park. If she rejects it, she spurns the male. Found inside – Page 312... ing a widely accepted name , is needed to in his philosophy , and are descended account for the human and animal ... we conclude , come their tions , and we have taken them , without strange animal names , and the strange inquiry ... (Yum?). Rather than razor-sharp, however, these cuspids are squared. Fortunately, this hornet is more interested in honeybees than humans. Even more interesting is that these groups have special and unusual names—some are real head-scratchers; some seem to make perfect sense. If that doesn’t scare away a predator, they can inject venom through their grooved teeth. For example, you probably know a group of dogs is a pack. The orchid mantis is so good at its disguise that it attracts more flying insects than the actual flower it imitates does.

    Nicknamed “honey bears,” kinkajous occupy a niche in the trees, living in Central and South American rainforests. However, the only nuts that pacu fish eat are those that fall into the water from trees. This colonial animal is composed of a complex arrangement of zooids, some of which are polyps and some medusae. They’ll also flatten their bodies to the ground to make a predator think they’re too big to eat. But what really makes them stand out is their unusually long tongues, which can measure up to nine inches. Some of these are fierce (lions, sharks, tigers). When animals congregate, interesting things happen. 213. This name generator will give you 12 random names for fantasy animals, but unlike the fantasy creature name generator, these names will be more randomized and original, somewhat like the species name generator. 1. How cool is that? Despite their odd looks and habits, seeing these large birds in the wild is great for checking off the bucket list. They require forested habitat to support their underground lifestyle and, due to their limited exposure, they are tricky to spot.

    The second part of the fish’s scientific name, Ogcocephalus darwini, is a nod to Charles Darwin, who famously studied evolution while visiting the Galapagos.

    Found inside – Page 114They describe how strange animal species from all quarters were concentrated into an enclosed space in the metropolitan ... Some animal names are neologisms, and small-sized species, such as insects or worms, are remarkably absent. The gerenuk features a coat of reddish-brown hair on the back, tan hairs on each side, and a white belly. The most unusual thing about them is their small litter size: They will often only produce a single offspring. After hatching, the tadpoles will drop down into the water until they evolve into mature frogs. 99 Strange Animal Group Names From a shrewdness of apes to a zeal of zebras, many animals have bizarre names when they gather in groups. Like many odd and unusual animals, the fossa calls Madagascar home. It can also puff itself up to make it appear difficult to swallow. The general consensus seems to be that this is the cutest moth ever, and we wholeheartedly agree. 99 Strange Animal Group Names From a shrewdness of apes to a zeal of zebras, many animals have bizarre names when they gather in groups.

    Take, for example, the Glaucus Atlanticus – an aquatic animal who looks like a Pokemon monster and has a name as equally anime. But don’t underestimate them, as they might actually be more dangerous than the bears. But, you don’t want to get on its bad side because its powerful claws are capable of causing serious injury. Marrus Orthocanna. This exotic wild goat is also known as a “screw horn goat,” and it’s easy to see why: Its head is adorned with long, corkscrew-shaped horns. has some unfortunate nicknames: "nightmare bird" and "undertaker bird." Other unusual features about chevrotains include being to hold their breath for up to 4 minutes, and they’re known to escape predators by diving underwater and walking on the water bottom. However, narwhals are very real. Among the many other weird animals living in Madagascar is the lowland streaked tenrec. These creatures can live up to 50 years, with their main cause of death being suffocation — due to being trapped by sea ice. The “spiny” part of their name comes from the heavily keeled dorsal scales that give it a spiky appearance. This large bird (it can stand up to 5-feet tall!) Let’s learn about 20 weird animal facts that will make you say “Oh My GOD”. Also, sperm (what males need to reproduce with females) needs to be at the right temperature. When animals get together in a group, we have a specific name for the group. These and other seemingly fantastic scenarios are the very possible realities explored in Peter Ward's Future Evolution, a penetrating look at what might come next in the history of the planet.

    Typical calls are a nasal haa-haa-haa,… Can you imagine seeing a small deer with no antlers but with really long fangs? Living in fast-flowing rivers of northern India, the gharial is a huge beast that can weigh up to 550 pounds. 214.

    The lilac-breasted roller can be found in sub-Saharan Africa as well as the southern Arabian Peninsula. Maybe that’s where “fairy” part of its name comes from. This long, pink creature is a worm-like lizard that lives mostly underground in Baja, California. You mean iguanas feed in the ocean!? They can top 40 pounds, with their legs reaching over 12 feet in length and can survive for 50 years or more ... sometimes even for a century! Giant isopods are a genus of the world's largest and weirdest woodlouses. Giant isopods feed on dead animals and are actually quite common on the bottom of deep, cold parts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. The largest species of these giant woodlouses can grow to 75 cm (30 in) in length and weigh up to 1.7 kg (3.7 lb). (Some varieties have spears rather than clubs, which are equally formidable.). Its frightening appearance is just a ruse to deter predators. But lest you think the animal is simply lazy, this inertia is actually a well-honed defense mechanism. They hang out in groups and enjoy social grooming and communication. When most think of an armadillo, they picture the kind found off the side of Texas roads. You can’t go see narwhals at SeaWorld or any other aquarium exhibit because narwhals don’t survive in captivity. Unlike their highland counterpart, the lowland streaked tenrec is known to be active throughout the day and night and is a fairly social creature, often gathering in small groups. They slap their long tongues on the sides of their face to clean it! You can find it (or try to find it — good luck!) Featuring stunning illustrations of each animal by world-famous artist Sergey Krosovskiy and based on the latest paleontogical research, this book provides information about the where and when the animals lived, what they ate, and more. From social butterflies to solitary scavengers, virtually all animals gather into groups at some point in their lives. They spread their wings and glide, much like the famous flying squirrels. This ability allows them to carve out a living in places where many other species cannot survive. And all this time I'd just been using herd, flock and school. These fins help the octopus to propel itself and swim in different directions. If they weren’t protected, they could slow the possum down and possibly get stuck on something. However, it’s listed by the IUCN as endangered because it has disappeared from several Asian countries where it once lived in abundant numbers. The tasselled wobbegong (Eucrossorhinus dasypogon) is a species of carpet shark with an appearance that's almost as strange as its name.

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