• poem about the importance of democratic participation

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    Very recent estimates by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, The World Bank and the United Nations Population Division reveal that most of the high-FGM-prevalence countries also have high maternal mortality ratios and high numbers of maternal death. • using erect posture … not timid, and remain confident and just (Wikipedia Classroom Management) United Nations General Assembly also passed Resolution 67/146 on intensifying global efforts to eliminate FGM, reaffirmed by Resolution 69/150 in 2014 and 71/168 in 2016. They understand that the student’s behavior is not a personal attack but indicative of an inferior ability to deal with emotions. Dehydration is shown to impact your mood and cognitive processes negatively. Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation: An interagency statement. Once the student has regained control, you will want to take time to talk to her about what occurred and how you can both work to prevent it from happening again. Permissive-indulgent, permissive-neglectful and authoritarian parenting have all been associated with a variety of problematic personal, social and emotional characteristics that can play out in academic settings in the form of anxiety and low achievement, but also in irresponsibility, impulsivity, dependency, lack of persistence, unreasonable expectations and demands and dishonesty. The Israelite confederation of the era of the Judges[22] Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer, authors of The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work, describe how small victories promote a more positive inner life, which “also leads people to do better work.”.  Another is the “no authority” ploy, in which the other side misleads you into believing they have the authority to decide the issue, only to inform you after you have given up as much as you can that in fact someone else must decide.  A third trick is the “add on,” the last minute additional demand that comes after your opponent has led you to believe you have already reached agreement. Requiring the states to be a republic in form was seen as protecting the citizens' rights and preventing a state from becoming a dictatorship or monarchy, and reflected unwillingness on the part of the original 13 states (all independent republics) to unite with other states that were not republics. (11) My students understand that they can interrupt my lecture if they have a relevant question. Your eyes must squint and narrow in on your charges. Many ploys depend on your not knowing what is being done to you.  … Recognizing the tactic puts you on your guard. …. In fact, it’s an easy and predictable way to build powerful leverage, influence, and rapport. There’s also plenty of online support…, As if dealing with students wasn’t hard enough, you’ll also need to contend with their parents. You have nothing to propel you forward — no wind. 25-Jan-18, hotchalk The offending student, especially, is often changed by the experience. (local.lsu), the classroom management process is purposive, that is, the teacher uses various managerial styles or approaches to achieve a well-defined, clearly identified purpose – the establishment and maintenance of those classroom conditions the teacher feels will facilitate effective and efficient instruction with students. Ask your coworkers for advice about dealing with rowdy classes. It’s saying, “someone’s going to find you out”. They build leverage and influence through their consistent pleasantness and likability. Rainbo, 1999. The Commonwealth consisted of a number of clans run by chieftains, and the Althing was a combination of parliament and supreme court where disputes appealed from lower courts were settled, laws were decided, and decisions of national importance were taken. 17-Jan-18, ucdpreceptors 5 Passive heckling is a more mild form of disrespect. They will continue to interrupt and heckle if they feel they were shut down, not getting a response may activate a deeper need to be heard. Once you are away from the table, the psychological pressure eases.  It no longer seems so urgent to reach a decision.  Having suspended your initial reaction, you can now consider the decisions in a more objective fashion …. Student frustration triggers hostile-aggressive behavior. The student begins to lose control and will verbally lash out at the teacher, usually assuming the role of the victim (“You always pick on me,” “Leave me alone,” “I didn’t do anything”). But then, out of the blue, a student stood up and accused her of favoring one team over another. Types I and II are the most common, but there is variation among countries. But the point, the heart of this, is really: What will you do? They begin to understand that education isn’t something that is done to them. He confirms she is an “Uproar” player. accessed 16jan18, UniversalClass Understanding CM Cited web sites for “Specific Teacher Skills”, cpi setting limits To boost this, an occasional review of the common mistakes and corrective suggestions is going to be part of my plan.  The mistakes remind me of what not to do and the suggestions put me on the right behavior or response track, especially the ones on inconsistent expectations and consequences, and on taking student behavior too personally.   It will be interesting to resolve some of the conflicting advice given on the websites once I decide what methods apply to me. Global Strategy to Stop health-care providers from performing FGM. Our sense of being overwhelmed becomes a frustrated arrow back onto the world. Their students won’t like them anymore, and they’ll lose the precious influence they’ve worked so hard to achieve.

    A woman of silence views decisions as either right or wrong with no room for reasoning.

    • They are eager to help students succeed, even if it means lowering standards for success, including by offering certain individuals extra credit opportunities. The truth is, the most effective teachers maintain a level of professional distance—from their students, their classroom, and even their school. This article suggests a reason for it. These stages can be characterized in terms of the student’s attitude towards knowledge. And no one can guarantee that if you treat people well they will never attempt to use a weapon against you. And it’s important to temper this reflective state with self-compassion, noting honestly where we’ve stumbled. We can express our angry feelings, “How to Handle a Student Who Yells at You”,   “How Best to Inform Students of a Consequence”,   “Why Caring Too Much Can Make You a Less Effective Teacher”,   “How To Motivate Your Students To Behave Better, Work Harder, Care For Each Other… Or Anything Else You Want From Them”,   “9 Ways To Have More Authority Next School Year”, When confronted by a student, it is important at first to, Not react instinctively with explanations or defensive postures, Consider how to de-escalate the situation. After student settles down, clarify rules, protocols, procedures to the entire class. http://www.coolcatteacher.com/manage-teaching-stress/ Convey an unconditional positive regard for all. Note that body language in itself can be misinterpreted. When he gave the test his thoughts were confirmed. The second category of games is called “Put-Down Games”, with the goal of psychological one-upmanship.  The variety is “Discount.”, Take an insult or a hurt for someone, disguise or sugarcoat it, and you have the game of “Sweetheart.”  The reason for sugarcoating is the rule of politeness.  …  The only way to disagree and at the same time be compliant is to disguise the disagreement.  (GSP, pg 59), Antithesis:  This is a harmless game in itself.  When it is pulled on Mr. Johnson, he has learned to not take offense at the remarks.  He refuses the depression or anger stamps.  He looks at the comment, picks out the “nice” candy-coating part and thanks the “Sweetheart” player for that.  (GSP, pg 60).

    Even if you feel like they have completely ruined your moment, and you are raging on the inside, if you lose control, you will not be able to get it back. No religion promotes or condones FGM. Other documents using the term “female genital mutilation” include: Report of the Secretary-General on Ending Female Genital Mutilation, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: Towards the elimination of female genital mutilation, Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa; Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action; and Eliminating female genital mutilation: An interagency statement. It is preferable that a limit be total rather than partial. He has spent most of the rest of his class time bothering the girls in the row ahead of him. https://www.crisisprevention.com/Blog/February-2011/Applying-Prepare-Training-Concepts-and-Skills-When It was embraced by many national liberation movements during decolonization.              (usf.edu), Situation:  After recently modifying your lesson plans to include in-class small team assignments you notice that Genevieve with her head on her desk while her partners are working through the problem. [21][unreliable source?] , usf.edu a) I provide specific, contingent, and brief error corrections (stating expected behavior) for academic and social errors. For example, the rule ‘bring books, paper, and pencils to class’ is much clearer than the rule ‘be ready to learn.’ Clearly stated rules are easily observed and measured.” (Barbetta, Common mistakes), “Another characteristic of effective rules is that they are stated positively. In David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell considers how even repeated failures may be an essential part of growth. With this style, leaders begin to African Union Assembly/AU/Dec. Avoid toxic colleagues: Research shows that toxic co-workers 1) are selfish, 2) display overconfidence, and 3) are found to declare “emphatically that the rules should always be followed no matter what.” If a toxic co-worker hangs out in the break room, eat elsewhere with colleagues who smile with their eyes. And when you care too much, not only are you wrung out, preoccupied, and no fun to be around, but you make mistakes that make you a less effective teacher. An exemplary response to the questionnaire:Â, A summary of respondents’ training and experience:Â, A compilation of respondents’ answers to questions on challenges, thoughts, and advice:Â, Thesis – “a general description of the game, including the immediate sequence of events” (GPP, pg 52). So don’t be afraid to let it out. Last week I sent around a short questionnaire asking fellow teachers about “fear”. He continues to be a disruption to you as you review the test.                      (Prentiss), Situation:  A student approaches you and tells you that he has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). Disadvantages: The thesaurus of games I found worth reading, both to see what games my students might play and to understand what games I might play or have encountered in my life, but I am not going to try to list them in this review. After you have scored your quiz, and determined your profile, read the descriptions of each management style. Found inside – Page 10This assignment provides the opportunity for candidates to examine a unique way to cultivate a democratic and culturally relevant classroom. The Task: Teacher candidates participate in several spoken word poetry activities during their ... (BPC, pgs 102-103), Examples: “If that is what you want.”  “It is entirely your choice.” “Whatever you decide is fine with me.”. (1986) places a woman at the receiving knowledge level if she is listening but does not have the confidence to voice her opinion. Health workers have been trained to treat complications caused by FGM, including the integration of FGM care into medical education curriculum. They’ll view you not as a leader worth looking up to, but as a weak-kneed peer they can manipulate and dismiss with a wave of the hand. It, quite possibly, can help me avoid becoming an “indifferent teacher.”, 1. The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was a federal entity composed of six republics (Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia). Finish your review by reminding your students that the goal of your classroom management plan is to safeguard their right to learn and enjoy school and your right to teach great lessons. While journaling your problems is shown to reduce stress, just talking about them with another person is not. Self-monitoring and cueing can help a student assume more responsibility for his or her behavior. reference name in text Recharge.  Charge your phone outside of the bedroom. This teacher may lack the skills, confidence, or courage to discipline students. 9-Mar-18, linkedin hecklers c) I actively supervise (move, scan, interact, reinforce). According to one study, expressive writing (describing feelings) “‘offloads’ worries from working memory, therefore relieving the distracting effects of worry on cognition.” Set a timer for eight minutes and let it all out on paper. Paraphrase and restate comments. . I also want to include a description of how my body language should look when I am teaching:  erect posture, radiating confidence and leadership, appearing approachable.   I want to create the impression that I am a “helping person” who also gives the students opportunities to self-discipline.  One behavior I do not want is to be a “co-dependent enabler.”  I want my students to learn how to be good students without expecting me to always hold their hands, make them do everything, or not allow them to struggle. It might take few seconds, but the majority of the audience will not notice, and ultimately, it will make the interrupter look like the rude party. Normally, the heckler will get embarrassed, and stay silent for the rest of the session. A world where you can teach without disruption. Getting Past No, by William Ury; ISBN 0-553-37131-2. Remarks. I see using this list as a valuable tool to get me in the right mindset before the semester starts and also to get me back to the right mindset if I have dealt with problem students or a challenge in my personal life. 17-Jan-18, cpi weapon It was not surprising to see that a teacher’s behavior and body language can affect student behavior.  My own experiences as a student showed me that I reacted negatively to a teacher who often walked into the classroom radiating anger, and positively to a teacher who always presented herself as pleasant and interested in her subject.  My own teacher persona has been modeled on teachers whose teaching styles I liked.  Now I know I need to focus on the ones whose behaviors I appreciated, too. b) I engage my students in observable ways during teacher directed instruction (i.e., I use response cards, choral responding, votes, and other methods). In the longer term, women may suffer feelings of anxiety and depression. The older the students are, the more this is true. Or, is it that you’re not sure what you will do if it doesn’t work? [53] The 20th century saw republicanism become an important idea in much of the Middle East, as monarchies were removed in many states of the region. In republics, the country is considered a "public matter", not the private concern or property of the rulers. = Strongly Agree. The teacher ends up expending huge amounts of energy and is left feeling frustrated and unsuccessful. In the past, I’ve used “hey, hey, whaddya say,” “murmur, murmur,” and “blah, blah, blah,” as well as a few others. However, after the student settles down, it’s smart to set the record straight by clarifying your rules, protocols, or procedures related to the game or activity to the entire class. 17-Jan-18, ucdpreceptors 6 They help your students retain information. This student causes problems by “messing up” other people’s possessions.  For example, knocking papers off a desk or stepping on someone’s purse on the floor.  Most reactions fall in two categories, “persecutor” or “rescuer.”  The persecutor gets angry and the rescuer forgives.  In either case, the “Schlemiel” gets the attention he or she seeks and is tempted to behave this way again.  The antithesis offered is to “be told plainly and in an emotionless Adult voice” (GSP, pg 36) not to handle or touch things, and if the student complains that is unfair, to agree. All the techniques discussed so far may or may not be applicable to you and your classroom.  However, you might still have management issues.  Below is a discussion of how classroom management should work and also a checklist of things you shouldn’t do, just in case you haven’t noticed yourself doing them. 1) The Talker / Know it all 28. The Convention relating to the Status of Refugees defines who is a refugee, what their rights are, and explains the legal obligations of states. And so I took that opportunity to leap in, verbally speaking, and take back the night, or at least the speech. With no monarch, most modern republics use the title president for the head of state.

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