Der viele Schmutz, die Brutalität und die Unmenschlichkeit, die er erlebt hat, haben ihn zum Einzelgänger gemacht. Martin Scorsese does a really fantastic job in setting the scene, developing the characters and building the story to its crescendo. May, 1980. Der perfekte Hintergrund für diese Story. Not to diminish the skills and talents of Mr. De Niro (far from it), but praising this movie is like praising the cook for frying eggs with such depth of character and realism. of the 1970s. 36 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich. Robert De Niro Jodie Foster Cybill Shepherd (1976) A disturbed New York cabby (Robert De Niro) befriends a teenage hooker (Jodie Foster) ... By activating, you agree that you want to enable cloud technology to access your Xfinity Stream subscription on … Aber die BluRay ist leider (wie so viele) einfach miserabel vertont. The seediness of New York by night is intense, helped along by a lone saxophone. It stars Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle, a Vietnam vet suffering PSTD, who takes a job as a night-time cabbie. In 1980, a foreign journalist hires a down-on-his-luck taxi driver to take him to Gwangju, South Korea. Die Verfügbarkeit von Videos außerhalb von Deutschland kann variieren. Er fährt fast nur nachts und entsprechend sind die Gestalten, die er bei seinen Fahrten trifft, egal ob als Fahrgäste oder in Kneipen, Schnellrestaurants, in Harlem oder im Rotlichtviertel. The answer is no. Amsterdam . Man-seob is a taxi driver in Seoul who lives from hand to mouth, raising his young daughter alone. Directed by Hun Jang. April 2019. Zusätzlich gibt es ein umfangreiches Bonusprogramm, z.B. Find out where you can buy, rent, or subscribe to a streaming service to watch Adventures of a Taxi Driver (1976) on-demand. As he haunts the city’s streets, he grows more disgusted with the degenerate street life. Februar 2020. A German journalist and his local driver embark on a dangerous adventure during the Korean democracy protests of 1980. hoch und runter regeln der Lautstärke anzusehen / hören. On every street in every city, there's a nobody who dreams of being a somebody.. Robert De Niro stars as Travis Bickle in this oppressive psychodrama about a Vietnam veteran who rebels against the decadence and immorality of big city life in New York while working the nightshift as a taxi driver. Find Where to Watch A Taxi Driver and Many More Full-Length Movies From The Best Streaming Services Online. 3:05 Taxi Driver (Clean Trailer). 2K. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Taxi Driver. The awkward innocence he displays to get a date with Betsy only to blow it with what he thinks is a perfectly acceptable visit to a porn cinema, is wonderfully acted. with Martin scorsese, writer Paul schrader, Actors Robert Deniro, Jodie Foster, Cybil sheppard, Harvey Keitel and other. Paul Schraders Drehbuch zeigt einen Gescheiterten, der zunehmend die Beziehung zur Realität verliert, den Vietnam-Veteranen Travis, der wie besessen durch Manhattan fährt. Das Bildformat ist 16:9 High Definition,(Technicolor), der Ton Dolby Digital 5.1 DTS-HD MA, Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch. They arrive to find a city under siege by the military government, with the citizens, led by a determined group of college students, rising up to demand freedom. The stunning transfer presents this movie in all it's gritty, violent glory. Taxi Driver is a compelling drama of urban anomie that will remain significant for years to come. Und gerade bei diesem koreanischen Film, dürfte es doch hierzulande zumindest auch hier ein reges Interesse geben, weil der Film nicht nur koreanische Geschichte porträtiert, sondern auch ein Stück weit deutsche Geschichte. Subscene subtitles: May 1980 8.2 and a complex one at the same time with... 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