• abraham sofaer arbitrator

    Posted on October 16, 2020 by in Uncategorized

    1000 (S.D.N.Y. George P. Shultz Distinguished Scholar and Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution • Stanford University • Stanford, California 94305-6010. 1984), aff’d 754 F.2d 1072 (2d Cir. 1979) (trade secrets); Playboy Enterprises, Inc. v. Chuckleberry Publishing, Inc., 486 F. Supp. in history from Yeshiva College (1962). 1983), aff’d as modified, 748 F.2d 760 (2d Cir. Abraham David Sofaer #197877 License Status: Active Address: 1200 Bryant St, Palo Alto, CA 94301-2716 He has served as an arbitrator in many cases, both independently and under the auspices of leading domestic and international arbitration services. Sofaer - FINAL.docx (Do Not Delete) 6/7/17 3:10 PM 264 HOUSTON JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 149 ms. boxes, 3 oversize boxes; inventory. Laura C. Abrahamson (Panelist) sits as an arbitrator and serves Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Global Head of Litigation at AECOM, an American multinational engineering firm that provides design, consulting, construction and management services worldwide. 907 (S.D.N.Y. He has also served as counsel in numerous ICC, ICDR, and KCAB arbitrations in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. Arbitration Services: Federal Arbitration, Inc. Supp., 578 (S.D.N.Y. Find a local Palo Alto California Arbitration attorney near you. ... third party (the arbitrator) decides the merits of a case. 1982); Anglo Eastern Bulkships Ltd. v. Ameron, Inc., 556 F. Supp. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Abraham’s connections and jobs at similar companies. He represented WWF International (chaired by Prince Philip) in its successful effort to establish an MOU with WWF US for the management and sharing of authority within what remains the world’s most influential environmental organization; WWF US was represented by the Washington, DC attorney and later White House Counsel, Lloyd Cutler. Design by Lori Au. Abraham Isaac Sofaer (1 October 1896 – 21 January 1988) was a Burmese-born British actor who began his career on stage and became a familiar supporting player in film and on television in his later years. 363 (S.D.N.Y. – as the default system for parties unless they seek a more streamlined process. Abraham Sofaer. - The Arbitrator’s Approach to Contract Interpretation Issues: Civil vs. Common Law Perspectives April 14, 2021 at at 8:00 a.m. Pacific/11:00 a.m. Eastern/5:00 p.m. London/11:00 p.m. Singapore Moderated breakout sessions to follow panel presentations After leaving the Department of State, Sofaer practiced law at Hughes Hubbard & Reed in Washington, D.C., from 1990 to 1994. This website is not a solicitation for business. All content on the FedArb website is intended to provide general information about FedArb and an opportunity for interested persons to contact FedArb. Abraham has 7 jobs listed on their profile. Program Recording: LINK Program Materials: LINK USC Gould School of Law and JAMS are pleased to invite you to our Fifth Annual Symposium. Abraham Sofaer (1) a commitment to the principle that arbitrators must act like judges in following the law (by putting that requirement into contracts with all arbitrators who serve under our rules and providing an optional internal appeal on the merits);  He has served as an arbitrator for the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB). Framework for Mass Employment Arbitration Proceedings, © Copyright 2020 Federal Arbitration | All Rights Reserved | Terms and Conditions | Privacy.

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