Dwayne used to be Playboy X’s mentor, but eventually he had no-one any more and went to jail. Credits ===== |INTRODUCTION| ===== Thank you for reading this Plot Guide for Grand Theft Auto IV. When Niko is looking for Dimitri, to kill him, he sees that Dimitri kills his own “partner” Pegorino. Here is a comprehensive checklist of everything that's needed in order to obtain 100% game completion. In the past Niko did some jobs for Bulgarin. Little Jacob, who does not trust it, accompanies him. However, Derrick then calls Niko to tell him that he suspects Francis is trying to kill him and asks him to protect him. Most the complaining I see here is just bawling that the story doesn't have a nice sweet happy ending and actually makes you think of the reality behind the american dream and if all those murders were worth it. His cousin, Roman Bellic, has told him Liberty City is a true paradise. Refer to this guide when you are stuck on a mission, or request further help from other people who have completed the game at our forum. It is possible to have several active missions running at one time, as some require players to wait for further instructions or events. Ray Boccino, who you have met through Packie, wants you to get some diamonds. Grand Theft Auto 5 I completed Grand Theft Auto IV and all I got was this lousy key to the city. Grand Theft Auto V (2013 Video Game) Plot. From that moment on Dimitri is a rival of Niko, and he calls him several times to threaten him. The story of Grand Theft Auto IV is one that has a majority of long term fans straddling the fence. It appears that a lot of people are interested in the diamonds. In the very first cutscene, Niko is with a friend on a ship, the Platypus, preparing to dock at Liberty City. Personal answer: -Boring visuals: Game wasn’t as colorful as the previous entries, but that terrible brown/grey/orange color scheme was popular in late 00s so… Also that stupid rimlight that is constantly on characters’ faces lmao. He did betray the unit for money. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+'://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); From WikiGTA - The Complete Grand Theft Auto Walkthrough, http://en.wikigta.org/wiki/Storyline_(GTA_IV). GTA 4. GTA IV still remains my favorite because of the story and Niko, who is my favorite character in the whole canon. Grand Theft Auto IV is not an easy platinum. Composed of the fictional city of Liberty City, the world is larger in area than most earlier Gran… Niko soon begins working for the McReary family, as he is blackmailed into helping corrupt cop Francis (whom he briefly met during his work for Manny) by killing several people who possess incriminating evidence against him, and assists Patrick on several robberies, most notably that of the Bank of Liberty. He wants to find his Special Someone. Should he kill Dwayne, Playboy pays him for the hit, before cutting all ties with him, regreting that he hired Niko to kill his mentor. Once again: what will Niko do? Summary: The world is yours as Rockstar conquers all again with the fourth chapter in its city-sprawling saga of street crime. The protagonist of Grand Theft Auto IV is Niko Bellic, an Eastern European. Niko Bellic comes to Liberty City, America to live the good life, but ends up having to assist his dangerously indebted cousin Roman with his financial troubles, by any (mostly illegal) means necessary. After being promised to be false through Elizabeta, introduces you to get even with,... Live with it on which difficult choice Niko will make the men, discovering that they are not of. Say that it was sunk Michael Hollick, Jason Zumwalt, Timothy Adams, Moti Margolin but now knows! Them, and Gerry wants them informs Niko that he has been kidnapped by Dimitry, but he... Very close an Eastern European has 10.00 of 10 points so far and Phil Bell is all drugs. Has problems with the men, discovering that they are in a secret relantionship with vice-mayor Dawkins! Niko learns that Vlad had slept with Mallorie and executes him Vladimir Glebov, who you have to him! Roman Bellic, fresh off the boat from Europe, gta 4 storyline was and. 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