• henry long ranger problems

    Posted on October 16, 2020 by in Uncategorized

    My Lyman Digital Trigger Pull Gauge put the pull at an average of 3.5 pounds, which is pretty good, but doesn’t really factor in the practical effects of trigger creep and stacking on accuracy. It all depends on the quality of your ammunition. Since we don’t get elk or big bears, I’m still debating what to get that’s practical. The best price for henry long ranger for sale online. The model tested was set up for a scope. The receiver is already drilled and tapped and a two-piece Skinner rail set comes installed. They have been outstanding leaders in this field for many years now. Henry Long Ranger Details. Not this one. I shoot a lot of guns for TTAG. A smooth action, using an entirely different mechanism. Henry Repeating Arms, best-known for its Golden Boy line of rimfire and centerfire western-style rifles, is challenging our assumptions in creating the Henry Long Ranger lever-action rifle. you should and then you would understand. The action is tight, it shoots modern cartridges, and it combines all the nostalgia of the Old West with modern design and manufacturing. Big Mac’s vs Prime Rib. This appears to be a good solid rifle in the class of box magazine lever guns. Again I love it. The forends on these guns is so thin its like holding a red rider bb gun. The SIG Sauer Elite Performance came in second with a .778-inch group for three rounds, and 1.05-inches with three shots for the RazorBack XT. I purchased my 2nd 308 because some black face communist dictator made mine illegal. Tired of the tacticool crap. Sweet! The trigger was very heavy and not conducive to field accuracy. For the first 215 rounds, I didn’t clean the rifle in any way. It’s hard to imagine anything else in 308. Like most lever action rifles, operating the lever in a hesitant manner (an operator error) can cause problems. .300 BO? Unfortunately action has not improved. Most levers I’ve used were chambered for pistol cartridges, their straight-walled, jumbo cousins like the .45-70, or the venerable .30-30 Win. It was hard to handle with gloves on when hunting in cold weather. its become so restrictive on AR platforms, does anyone know if there are 5.56 cartridges upcoming with propellant and bullets where the 5.56 has better knockdown power for use in the back country, for both hunting and large animal defensive purposes-. Dubbed the Henry Long Ranger, the initial offering of the new rifle is a traditionally styled (as much as is possible, given the new action and a detachable box magazine) lever action carbine with a round, sporter contour, 20" barrel and a two-piece, walnut stock. In fast action, the bolt’s about a thumbs width from my nose — if I keep a good cheek-stock weld. There were no pressure signs on the brass or primer. I have a 308 blr white gold that just does not want to group consistently, even after a trigger job, really has nothing to do with the trigger traveling with the lever. Second, the high gloss wood finish on the stock and high gloss bluing gives the rifle an incredible glare in sunlight while working through the woods. Down here we rarely need more than 100 yards range but there is lots of growing stuff so a Henry big bore rifle makes sense. I have not fired the gun yet or even loaded it. Now those Xmetel bulk loads shot fine in my BCL 102 (east shit Justine) so I wondered if the seemingly picky nature or my long ranger a known issue and put their as a trap so the Henry shame clown could track me down and hit me with a fish for using crap on such a fine gun, or is it a anomaly that passed through QA, QC by mistake?

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