By building a rapid transit line or running an express bus, or even building sidewalks and bike lanes, other people may switch off the road, leaving the roads faster for the rest of us . Traffic congestion is a significant problem in many cities around the world. Coping with these difficulties, the government should make an investment in the traffic facilities, namely, the public transport need improving to become more modern and convenient. with the traffic congestion and its solution at Uttara, one of the prime areas of Dhaka city. Public transportation system has been given the most importance in the solution to the traffic congestion in this area, as this sector has been neglected The project has supported the use of ITS in the urban traffic and public transport command centers, which play a central role in keeping the city and its transport … "Traffic management will also improve for public transport" Although people are mostly directed to public transportation in traffic jam discussions, Assoc. Competing modes – Just as widening a road is in theory a solution to a congestion problem, building a competing mode is also a theoretical solution. The intelligent transport system (ITS) has proved to be an effective tool in managing urban traffic and reducing congestion. Uttara is a northern Thana and a suburb of Dhaka. Jakarta, one of the most populous cities, faces this problem. Traffic Congestion: A Look Into Karachi’s Transport Crisis ... A viable solution to make this happen in Karachi is to develop public systems of transportation instead and to incite people to use public transport instead.
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