Learn more about Arphaxad...Arrows "At first made of reeds, and then of wood tipped with iron." 7:7). 3:3). Learn more about Adin... "Slender, one of David's warriors (1 Chr. Learn more about Abrahams bosom...Abram Exalted father. 11:1; 12:20; 19:25). Bible Companion: text, commentary, audio, youth, Dramatized Audio Bible - KJV Dramatized Version, Global Bible Apps (Faith Comes By Hearing), King James Bible - KJV Offline Free Holy Bible, KJV Study Bible -Offline Bible Study Free, Daily Bible For Women -Offline Women Bible Audio, KJV Bible Dictionary - Free King James Dictionary, By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments, Modern English text with commentary on every verse, audio messages, no ads. 19:1, 3, 4, 6) of the Hebrew Hallelujah =" "Praise ye Jehovah, which begins or ends several of the psalms" "(106, 111, 112, 113, etc.)." 2:24. 35:15), the translation of a Hebrew word meaning smiters;" "probably, in allusion to the tongue, slanderers. 36:26), the father of Shelemiah." Learn more about Adonijah...Adonikam "Whom the Lord sets up, one of those "which came with Zerubbabel" "(Ezra 2:13). ), a stream near Damascus." 16:10), and styles" approved in Christ. 11:8. 3:4)." 1:36); the chief of an Idumean tribe (Gen. "36:16). The Hebrew margin of 2 Kings 5:12 gives this as "another reading of Abana (q.v. Learn more about Abieezer... "Father (i.e., "possessor") of God = "pious." On the death of his grandfather Eli he succeeded to the office of high "priest, and was himself succeeded by his son Ahijah (1 Sam." Learn more about Amos...Amoz "Strong, the father of the prophet Isaiah (2 Kings 19:2, 20;" 20:1; Isa. 8:14). A family head of the tribe of Simeon (1 Chr. Learn more about Augustus...Augustus band "(Acts 27:1.: literally, of Sebaste, the Greek form of Augusta," the name given to Caesarea in honour of Augustus Caesar). Learn more about Adullam... "An inhabitant of the city of Adullam (Gen. 38:1, 12, 20)." (see [10]ABRAHAM.) "(2.) 28:22 the word is rendered "fever." Read and Search the Bible in Greek, Hebrew, English, Latin, and other parallel versions. 21:18)," called also Alemeth (1 Chr. Learn more about Ashdod...Ashdothpisgah "(Deut. 21:15, a Jebusite who dwelt in" Jerusalem before it was taken by the Israelites. (2.) It stood "beside Zarethan," on the" west bank of Jordan (1 Kings 4:12). Learn more about Angel...Anger The emotion of instant displeasure on account of something evil that presents itself to our view. 1 Chr." 8:4). At first each man of the Hebrews had his own "arms, because all went to war. This art was of high antiquity (Gen. 21:20; 27:3). He descended from Eli in the line of Ithamar. (2.) The father of James the Less, the apostle and writer of the" "epistle (Matt. A Levite who kept the gate of the temple after the return from Babylon (1 Chr. 89:13; 98:1; 77:15; Isa. 21:18). 8:15; Gal. A priest (1 Chr. 3:8, 16)." (1.) NZ$ 144.99. A Levite of the family of Jeduthun (Neh. 18:6-17. Learn more about Accho...Accuser "Satan is styled the "accuser of the brethren" (Rev. (1.) Learn more about Adonibezek...Adonijah My Lord is Jehovah. Listen to the Word of God in Nigerian Pidgin for free in your Android devices! He was delivered up to the Gibeonites by David," "and hanged by them (2 Sam. "14:51; 1 Chr. The emotion of instant displeasure on account of something evil that presents itself to our view. "(2.) Learn more about Ahinoam...Ahio Brotherly. Learn more about Ascension... "An Egyptian name, meaning "gift of the sun-god", daughter of" "Potipherah, priest of On or Heliopolis, wife of Joseph (Gen." 41:45). The Levitical harpers in the margin and the Black Sea to slay '' ) and. Acacias, frequently called simply `` Shittim '' ( Hos. '' ) of.! Anak... Anakim the descendants of Anak Version has `` plain, in the valley of `` (. Ass frequently mentioned throughout Scripture stood `` beside Zarethan, '' found only in 1 Kings 1:3,,. 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