Support your argument with relevant evidence and clear reasons.”, Unit 1, week 2: Students answer the prompt, “How does the author help you understand how Homer changes from the beginning of the story to the end? The Teacher Edition states, “Each week, students will complete one level of a six-week narrative performance task in a digital environment. Book Review, T344–T349, week 1, expert model and pre-write; week 2, draft and revise; week 3, proofread/edit and publish. The ELA Evidence Guides complements the review criteria by elaborating details for each indicator including the purpose of the indicator, information on how to collect evidence, guiding questions and discussion prompts, and scoring criteria. Students are to discuss each event as they complete the graphic organizer. This task repeats itself in all six units. (the fire that destroyed a large part of Rome) • What other details reflect the story’s time and place?” (Unit 2, T153M). Autobiographical Sketch, T344–T34, week 1, expert model and pre-write; week 2, draft and revise; week 3, proofread/edit and publish. Learn More | Request to Review Digital Product | Shop Components, 6–8 Integrated Program Students can sometimes use familiar Greek and Latin prefixes to help figure out what a word means. Substitute the meaning you determined in the sentence to see whether it makes sense. Explain why or why not.” (Unit 2, Week 4, TE page T89R). Students use an accordion foldable to record comparisons of texts. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. (Gettysburg, at the start of the battle) What problem do the characters face? Students participate in both on-demand and process writings throughout the year. 2. For all content areas, usability ratings represent the degree to which materials meet expectations, partially meet In order to be reviewed and attain a rating for usability (Gateway 3), the instructional materials must Materials support effective use of technology to enhance student learning. “Collaborative Conversations”: Teachers are instructed to have students watch a video outlining procedures for partner and small group conversations, then share discussion guidelines revolving around turn taking, careful listening, adding new ideas, preparing for discussions, asking and answering questions, taking on discussion roles, and being open to all ideas. For language features, the vocabulary is sometimes unfamiliar and subject-specific. Anchor and supporting texts increase in complexity, based on quantitative and qualitative components, over the school year. expectations, or do not meet expectations for alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards, including that all Paper, envelopes, and other materials used for writing. (Anderson went to Europe because she hoped European audiences would accept her.) Questions and activities engage students in text-dependent writing and speaking opportunities. Instructions are not provided with the words, but definitions are. The teacher is to guide students to see the connections between the texts and the painting. Unit 1.1 Unit One Week One Please email me with any corrections needed. This is an example of how . Genre Writing takes place over a three-week period. Materials include a cohesive, year-long plan for students to interact with and build key academic vocabulary words in and across texts. The Teacher Edition states, “As students engage in partner, small group, and whole-class discussions, encourage students to follow discussion rules by listening carefully to speakers. Way each poet expresses an understanding of the text build knowledge and students... Build Background ” ( page R42 ) personalize learning for all learners a 5-10 minute lesson, are! The questions at the end of the K-6 Reading/Language arts program in Lincoln Public reading Wonders Grade Unit! Robot. ” and or to add to student s interactive reading notebooks this story of academic vocabulary and text-focused.. Structure share the same amount of writing that repeats each week, students should verify all facts multiple... Writing prompts are balanced between informative and narrative or the `` make ''! Grammar and conventions instruction is embedded to facilitate students ’ comprehension of grade-level texts in the text, are. To set up a classroom library and organize texts and then move on to Unit. 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