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    When Charles and Andrew talk at dinner with Haley, what time was Haley going to bed? Thanks to Chris Grabenstein we can read his book, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, together! Question of. Which 2 books are on the back of Sierra's library card? What time does Kyle think they will get the last clue? Quizzes | Create a quiz Progress: 1 of 10 questions . What is the name of the librarian at school? Who did the kids think the man in the 500s looked like? Identifying parts of speech 4. What 3 sports are mentioned that Mike is good at? Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein Study Guide Prepared by Jen Kleinknecht, Media Specialist, H.B. Head librarian of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. As Kyle is looking for the box in his Extreme Challenge and the shelves keep moving. Who is the first person on Team Kyle to go out the window from the basement to victory? Explain. What was the bookcase made of that was in Mr. Lemoncello's bedroom? What is one of Kyle's all time favorite board games? 3. This happened in the Rotunda Reading Room in the fourteenth chapter. Which book was the middle book on the top shelf of the Staff Picks display? your upcoming essay, midterm, or final exam. Where did Charles get to sleep when he won a game? The children must solve a series of puzzles in order to find a way out of the library and win an amazing prize. This books a mystery because of the clues the book gives. Took a shortcut through his mother's favorite rosebush. lisagaines. Who do Miguel and Kyle have for a homeroom teacher? Which book was on left of the bottom row of the Staff Picks? How much does the front door of the library weigh? Who said the quote that the kids solve with the rebus? This Study Guide consists of approximately 39 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library. Solo Practice. With over ONE MILLION books sold, the Mr. Lemoncello series is a kid … What two book covers were on the back of Kyles card? Where did most of the kids go to look for dessert? Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library Comprehension Questions —Set 2 Chapters 21-24 1. What kind of ropes lined the path across Main Street? Create your website today. Who is wearing bright red at the assembly at school? Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's library Check in Ch. Basil E Frankweiler. This quiz is incomplete! Mike likes when which two animals play each other in the hockey game? What did Kyle's mom want to buy with her portion of the gift card? Name dummy number 2 who will take Charles and Andrew on their voyage of the 400s room. Live Game Live. Mr. Lemoncello's Absolutely Incredible Iron Horse. What is the second word the college student offers Charles when he asks for a bigger word that means library? Who ran towards the fire escape to get out of the library? by aamina12345. Who tries to return his games for cash after spending Mr. Lemoncello's gift card? 15 terms. The Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library quiz. I Love You, Stinky Face and The Napping House. The first task for students is to find those titles, working together in small groups to uncover the hidden titles found throughout the book. The questions can be used as task cards or printed for interactive notebooks. Test your knowledge on this just for fun quiz and compare your score to others. What kind of Toaster Tart was Kyle eating? English. What number did Charles roll in the Let's Do a Deal game?

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