• odo star trek

    Posted on October 16, 2020 by in Uncategorized

    In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Millennium series of novels, it was revealed that Odo rarely shifted into smaller forms such as insects due to a psychological block from his original "training" under Doctor Mora; Mora once speculated that Odo's excess mass during small transformations was transferred to a pocket dimension, and Odo initially worried that something might happen to his mass if he maintained a small shape for long. Odo and his security forces attacked the station's guards, allowing Kira and Rom to disable the station's weapons system, helping the Defiant to retake the station. Odo continued working for the Cardassians, eventually becoming chief of security. There, he discovered that the Founders were in fact Changelings like himself. At this time, he met with Laas on Koralis III and invited the fellow Founder to come back to the Gamma Quadrant. Odo wages a never ending war on Quark, his bar, and his variety of illegal activities. The other shapeshifters may have just used their greater collective ability while linked with Odo to force him to alter his form into that of a humanoid, guiding the specific elements of his transformation such as Human physical makeup based on their expert knowledge of Humans. Odo found Lwaxana's advances annoying and even complained to Commander Sisko that Ambassador Troi wouldn't leave him alone. Three months after rejoining the Great Link, Odo assigned Taran'atar, a Jem'Hadar soldier that was not addicted to the drug Ketracel White, to travel to Deep Space 9 and act as an observer of the species of the Alpha Quadrant. A couple of years later, he allowed the O'Briens to return the temporally-displaced Molly O'Brien to Golana, even though they broke her out of a holding cell. (DS9: "Tribunal"), It was quite clear that his Cardassian employers still viewed him with suspicion; an automated counter-insurgency program designed to activate in the event of a slave revolt on the station was programmed to raise a force field around Odo's office on the assumption that he would shift sides to aid the insurgents. Initially, his only intent was to learn more about his own people and perhaps influence her towards a peaceful resolution of the current conflict. (DS9: "The Forsaken"), During Ambassador Troi's next visit to DS9, her persistent feelings for Odo combined with her case of zanthi fever to cause strange love triangles to form among the occupants of DS9, such as Jake Sisko and Doctor Bashir both becoming fixated with Kira. Despite this, Odo left Deep Space 9 at the end of the Dominion War to heal the Great Link of a virus that was killing the Changelings and showing them positive aspects of the solids. Their relationship was difficult, but eventually they did reach a certain understanding. (DS9: "The Die is Cast") Other Changelings did not seem to have this difficulty; when suffering from the Morphogenic virus, the Female Changeling remarked she had not been able to change form for weeks. In an attempt to gather the Horta Odo morphed into the form of an adult Horta (which he found extremely comfortable) and led the Horta to a set of quarters. Instead, he, Sisko, O'Brien, and Worf disguised themselves as recipients for the Order of the Bat'leth and attempted to use polaron radiation to expose Gowron as a Changeling. However, he still is not in love with her, so after her ex-husband witnesses the marriage, she returns to Betazed. "Laws change depending on who's making them. Odo, using the alias "Kodrak", proved to be a less than intimidating Klingon, but the mission went as planned until someone recognized their true faces. Odo did not realize (or did not want to admit to himself) that Thrax's actions in the dream were in fact a recreation of his own, and their personae there were a group of innocent Bajorans who had been executed because Odo had sided with "justice" rather than his sense of right and wrong. Neo Encyclopedia Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. However, he didn't know the difference between "order" and "justice" at that time. While on the planet, Kira was captured and the Female Changeling assumed the appearance of Kira.

    Odo /ˈoʊdoʊ/, played by René Auberjonois, is a fictional character in the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. 2337 in Denorious Belt, Bajoran systemPlace of birth: Founders Homeworld, Dominion, Gamma QuadrantEducation: Bajoran Institute for Science, as specimen: 2356-63Office: Security Office, Promenade, **Includes updates, addenda through SD 50500 (2373), Psycho-Medical Profile, Medical File Extract:Report of Chief Medical Officer Julian Bashir, M.D. It confuses the hell out of your enemies". (DS9: "Improbable Cause"), Odo never held any rank apart from the title constable, which was first used by Kira upon their first meeting. (DS9: "Things Past"), Odo and Quark stuck together on a class L world, Quark and Odo managed to get along briefly while trapped on an inhospitable planet and under dire circumstances; they resumed their old rivalry as soon as they returned to DS9. And she has a friend who has a cousin who's married to the assistant of one of the members of the Federation Medical Council." He killed a Klingon in self-defense who was going to assault him and with the help of Major Kira he escaped. Odo eventually rebelled against Mora's unintentional mistreatment by forming into a tentacle and hitting him, (DS9: "Emissary", "The Begotten") before later forcing Mora to recognize him as sentient by copying a beaker on a laboratory table. Formerly the security chief aboard Deep Space 9, he currently resides with the Dominion Founders in the Gamma Quadrant.

    As he rested, Odo's memories returned and the effects of the vaccine wore off. It isn't until later that Odo learns that his people are the leaders of the Dominion. Star Trek actor George Takei also tweeted his condolences. But when a party of Changelings, including Odo, inspected the site, they found only the corpse of a gigantic Changeling, perhaps even the Progenitor itself, killed by the radiation of the nova.

    However, she was able to manipulate him and his desire for control over his own emotions regarding Kira. In November 2385, Odo met with Corazame, drawing similarities to his original arrival on DS9, where he was introduced to a strange new world he knew nothing about. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind"), Odo employed a number of tactics in his attempts to integrate with solids; for instance, he would often sit for quiet drinks with friends, and would create the illusion of drinking by forming part of his body into a cup of coffee and then drinking himself. As a Changeling, Odo can alter his appearance at will to camouflage his presence. Odo has also been played by Salome Jens (when he took the form of the Female Changeling in "Tacking Into the Wind" to infiltrate a Jem'Hadar ship), several unnamed animals (including rats, birds, and a German Shepherd), and various inanimate objects. As Michael Piller explains, "we needed a character who represented the traditions of Spock and Data, the outsider who looks in at humanity." Odo zealously guarded the independence of his office and methods when the two butted heads, but eventually he and Sisko came to see eye-to-eye.

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